Field Name
Displays the product name to which the defect belongs. You cannot edit this field.
Displays Defect as the object type being created. You cannot edit this field.
Propagate information from the problem report
Creates a software defect from the problem report. This check box is available only if you are creating a defect from a problem report through the problem report information page.
Displays an attribute list, which is a combination of a defect-tracking adapter and a project. The values in this list along with the default values are predefined by an administrator. Select a value to create or associate a defect. You can select Windchill to create a defect only for Windchill without associating it with a remote defect.
Associate a Remote Defect
Creates a defect in Windchill Integrations for Embedded Software based on remote defect and associates both the defects. Click Search to search for the remote defect in the defect-tracking system. The attributes of the remote defect are used to create the defect in Windchill Integrations for Embedded Software. The Attributes area is automatically populated with the attribute values of the remote defect. You cannot edit the values. For more information, see Associating a Defect with a Remote Defect.
Enter Defect Attributes
Creates a defect and a remote defect if you have selected a defect-tracking adapter in the Repository field. Associates the remote defect with the defect. Select or type attribute values in the Attributes area to define the defect attributes.
Attribute Name
An autogenerated unique identifier for the defect. You cannot edit this field.
Enter a name from 1–150 characters for the defect.
Remote ID
A label assigned to the defect by the third-party defect-tracking system. It can be any alphanumeric value.
Sets the importance of the defect in relation to other defects. Select one of the following values from the list:
• Emergency—Highest priority with precedence over all other defects
• High—Significant impact
• Medium—Relatively minor impact
• Low—Lowest priority
A detailed description of the defect.
One or more project components to which the defect is related. Each project may consist of various components or none, depending on your organization 's requirements.
Affected Version*
The version of the project component that is affected by the defect. For example, a defect might affect versions 1.1 and 1.2. This field is not available for a defect only for Windchill.
A description of the hardware or software environment in which the defect is reproducible.
The platform on which the defect is reproducible. Select Other from the list if the platform does not match any other values in the list.
Operating System*
The operating system on which the defect is reproducible. Select Other from the attribute value list if the operating system does not match any other values in the list. Select All if the defect is reproducible on all the operating systems.
Priority assigned to obtain a resolution for the defect. This field is not available if you are creating a defect only for Windchill.
The Integrity Defects “Issue Type” for a new defect.
An autoselected location to store the defect.
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If you change the values for Repository or Content Source after you have specified attribute values in the Attributes area, a message appears indicating that the fields and the attribute information in the Attributes area will be cleared. Click Clear to continue or Cancel to retain the current settings.