Windchill CAPA Effectiveness
The CAPA advances to this task after all the action tasks are completed.
To begin a CAPA effectiveness task, use the following procedure:
At any time, you can click Save and continue working on the CAPA later.
Use the step navigator at the top of the screen to quickly move to a different step in the procedure.
1. Right-click a CAPA in an Effectiveness state and select Enter CAPA Effectiveness Details.
2. Complete the following fields as necessary:
Has the CAPA been resolved?
If the CAPA was resolved, select Yes.
The CAPA advances to the Closure state.
If the CAPA was not resolved, select No. The CAPA returns to the Evaluation or Investigation state.
Effectiveness Comment
Enter text to describe the effectiveness of the resolution, if necessary.
3. Click Complete Task. The CAPA is saved and moves to the next workflow state.
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