Workgroup Manager Client Preferences
The following table describes client-side preferences for the Windchill Workgroup Manager that can be managed with the Windchill Preference Management utility.
The preferences in the subcategories Design in Context and Mapping System Attributes and File Properties are listed in separate tables that follow the main table. See the ‘Design in Context Preferences’ and ‘Mapping System Attributes and File Properties Preferences’ sections.
Attach Differences Report upon Check In
No (default)
Controls the default behavior whether to generate and attach a Differences report on objects that are going to be checked in. This option is applicable in theCreo Parametric embedded browser for CAD documents authored by Creo Parametric.
Enable Support for Parameters or Properties with Units
No (default)
Controls whether to enable the feature of supporting parameters or properties with units.
If set to Yes—Enable the feature of supporting parameter parameters or properties with units. Before the system provides migration utility, The user must create new reusable attribute type and assign the default unit manually.
If set to No—Disable the feature of supporting parameters or properties with units.
Note default subtype
${internet_domain_name}.Note (default)
Internal name of Note default subtype. The "${internet_domain_name}" expands to the default exchange domain name of the Notes internal name as created on install. If this preference value is changed, the internal name must also be changed for the Note subtype in the Type and Attribute Management utility.
Open In CAD Tool For Nonnative Objects
No (default)
Certain licensed modules of Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 and later Creo Parametric releases support opening NX and CATIA V5-authored models in Pro/ENGINEER. This option allows user to control whether the "Open in Pro/ENGINEER" action is displayed for these non-native CAD documents. If your Pro/ENGINEER license does not support this type of import or you are not using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0+, you may want to change the value of this option to No. Allowed values are "Yes" or "No". Default value is "Yes".
Search Path for Automatically Attach Files on Upload
Specifies paths on disk, separated by a semicolon (;), searched for attachments that need to be automatically added to a CAD or dynamic document upon upload. Order in the preference determines the order in which the directories are searched. User may use environment variables in search path specifying the environment variable as ${environment variable name}.
Synchronize Number and File Name
Yes (default)
Allows file name and number to be the same. This option is applied when creating new files from an authoring application. Number may be with or without file extension, depending on the Upload Drop Number File Extension preferences.
Undo Checkout Overwrite Local Content
No (default)
Specifies if the model content is overwritten in cache by default when using Undo Checkout. Allowed values: Yes or No. The default value is No.
Yes—Locally modified files are replaced with the last checked in version of the file.
No—The CAD/dynamic document are in a checked in state; but the workspace still contains the local modified contents.
Update Overwrite Local Content
No (default)
Specifies if the model content is overwritten in cache by default when using Update from a Windchill Workgroup Manager. Allowed values: Yes or No. The default value is No.
Yes—Locally modified files are replaced with the updated copy of the file from latest CAD/dynamic document.
No—The CAD/dynamic document version in the workspace is updated; but the local modified contents are not over-written. Specifies if the model content is overwritten in cache by default when performing Update from the Windchill workspace. (Creo Parametric File > Update is controlled by the option, dm_overwrite_contents_ on_update).
Upload After Native Save
No (default)
Specifies if the model is uploaded after a native Save action in the authoring application (for example, File > Save).
Yes—Content will be uploaded after each native authoring application Save action.
No—A native File > Save does not start an upload in the background.
Upload CAD/Dynamic Document and Attachment Filter
Allows configuring the content that is uploaded as additional content of a model. Specifies the triplets which are used to determine what to autoattach. The elements of each triplet are:
CAD/Dynamic Document Type—Name pattern to find the CAD or dynamic document to autoattach to on upload.
Attachment file type—File name pattern for the file to auto attach.
Content Category—The category with which to autoattach.
The value of this preference is a string created by concatenating a series of triplets in the form: [CAD/Dynamic Document Type],[Attachment file type],[Content Category];[CAD/Dynamic Document Type],[Attachment file type],[Content Category];... Wildcards can be used in [CAD/Dynamic Document Type] pattern to specify the CAD/Dynamic Documents to do autoattach to. Same wildcards can be put in [Attachment file type] pattern to use similar name to specify the files to autoattach. In an environment where multiple authoring applications are in use, it is recommended to specify this preference value for particular authoring applications, not the general value.
Example: *.CATProduct,*.CATProcess,MANUFACTURING;*.CATPart,*.CATAnalysis,ANALYSIS_INPUT This string triplet specifies that any CATProduct or CATPart found in the CAD Document upload list needs to be autoattached to any CATProcess or CATAnalysis found with same name as the CAD document in the upload.autoattach.searchpath path preference. Any CATProcess or CATAnalysis thus found are attached with MANUFACTURING or ANALYSIS_INPUT content category to CATProduct or CATPart resp. The content category name must be one of the names recognized by Windchill.
Upload Related Drawings
No (default)
Native upload or auto check in of CAD documents also uploads or checks in associated drawings.
Yes—Related drawings are uploaded or checked in with CAD Documents.
No—Related drawings are not uploaded or checked in with CAD documents.
Workspace Frame Stack Size
<integer, non-negative>
Controls the number of workspace frames to be maintained. The input must be in integer value, which is equal to or greater than 0. The default value is 0. This option is applicable for the Creo Parametric embedded browser only and will take effect after a Creo Parametric session is initialized.
Check In Content Options
Models Only
Specifies how the model is saved on the authoring application menu, Auto Check In and provides default UI setting for Custom Check In. Allowed values: Models Only, Viewables Only, Models and Viewables. The default value is Models Only.
Models Only - The native models will be checked in as content to their own CAD/Dynamic Documents.
Viewables Only - An empty CAD/Dynamic Document will be checked in for each of the models in session along with a viewable.
Models and Viewables - Checks in the native models as content of their own CAD/Dynamic Document AND checks in a new viewable for all modified models in session. CATIA V5 Workgroup Manager does not support creation of client-side viewables; therefore, viewables would not be created.
Design in Context Preferences
The following table lists preferences related to design in context.
Allow Creation and Editing of Creo External Simplified Reps in Windchill
No (default)
When the set to its default value, “No,” the creation of a Creo Parametric design context (external simplified rep or ESR) in Windchill is disabled. This preference takes priority over the preference, Show New Design Context Action. If set to Yes, Creo Parametric saves the ESR, and you are able to create and edit ESRs in Windchill; however, if the ESR contains envelopes, you may not be able to upload it or save any changes in the Edit Design Context Definition page. Additionally, the display of the structure in the Edit Definition and Structure tabs of the ESR’s information page may be inaccurate.
Create Rule For Image Associated CAD Documents
No (default)
When the preference is set to “Yes”, create corresponding rule for Image associated CAD Documents when creating or updating the Design Context.
When the preference is set to “No”, no rule is created for Image associated CAD document, result rep is inherited from the parent part for the Image associated CAD Document.
CAD Application: Creo, CATIA V5.
Default Design Context Definition Rule
Assembly Only (default)
Determines the default rule when defining a new design context. The default value is "Assembly Only", but the following are possible values.
Assembly Only—Exclude all members except the top level, and then select the ones to add.
Full—Include all members and then select the ones to remove. Included models fully load, such that the geometry may be modified. For Creo Parametric this is "Master Rep" and for CATIA V5 this is "Design Mode".
Lightweight—Include all members and then select the ones to remove. Included models load the geometry in the lightest possible way to minimize retrieval time. For Creo Parametric this is "Automatic Rep" and for CATIA V5 this is "Visualization Mode".
Geometry—Include all members and then select the ones to remove. Included models load the geometry such that mass property may be performed. For Creo Parametric this is "Geometry Rep" and for CATIA V5 this is "Visualization Mode".
Default Representation
Determines level of detail passed from the Configuration Context to the Design Context. The default value is "Lightweight", but the following values are possible.
Full—Fully load the model, such that the geometry may be modified. For Creo Parametric this is "Master Rep" and for CATIA V5 this is "Design Mode".
Geometry—Load the geometry such that mass property may be performed. For Creo Parametric this is "Geometry Rep" and for CATIA V5 this is "Visualization Mode".
Lightweight—Load the geometry in the lightest possible way to minimize retrieval time. For Creo Parametric this is "Automatic Rep" and for CATIA V5 this is "Visualization Mode".
Exclude CAD Documents With No Related Parts
Yes (default)
When creating a Design Context from a Configuration Context, this preference controls whether CAD Documents with no build association to a part are explicitly excluded. Since the Configuration Context structure will have no relationship to CAD Documents that are not associated with parts with a build type of association, you must configure the system to either explicitly exclude the CAD Documents that are not related to parts or to allow them to inherit their inclusion rule from the parent assembly.
If this preference is set to “Yes”, the system excludes the CAD Documents that are not related to parts, in the Visualization tab.
Show New Design Context Action
No (default)
Determines whether to show the New Design Context action on the Structure tab of a Creo Parametric or CATIA V5 assembly CAD document's workspace information page. Creo/Elements Pro 5.0 and the Windchill 10.0 M010 Workgroup Manager for CATIA V5 support design contexts created in Windchill. If you are using Wildfire 4.0 or the 10.0 F000 CATIA V5 workgroup manager, this new feature is not supported. You may show or hide the action to create a design context with this preference based on the tools that your company is currently using. The default is "No" or not to show the action.
Mapping System Attributes and File Properties Preferences
The following table lists the preferences related to system attribute mapping and file properties.
CAD Document Iteration System Attribute
Identifies the name of the property in the CAD tool that shows the CAD document's iteration. The value may be set to a CAD system attribute. The default value is PTC_WM_ITERATION.
CAD Document Life Cycle State System Attribute
Identifies the name of the property in the CAD tool that shows the life cycle state of the CAD document.
CAD Document Life Cycle System Attribute
Identifies the name of the property in the CAD tool that shows the life cycle of the CAD document.
CAD Document Name System Attribute
PTC_WM_NAME (default)
Identifies the name of the property in the CAD tool that shows the CAD document's Name. The value may be set to a CAD system attribute. The default value is PTC_WM_NAME.
CAD Document Number System Attribute
PTC_WM_NUMBER (default)
Identifies the name of the property in the CAD tool that shows the CAD document's Number. The value may be set to a CAD system attribute. The default value is PTC_WM_NUMBER.
Change Note Attribute
Identifies the name of the property that shows the text added to the last checkin.
Created By Attribute
Identifies the name of the property that shows the name of the user that created the CAD document.
Created On Attribute
Identifies the name of the property that shows the date and time that the CAD document was created.
Drawing System Attribute
Identifies the name of the attribute that determines if an NX part is a drawing. The default is set to PTC_WM_IS_DRAWING.
Modified By Attribute
Identifies the name of the property that shows the name of the user that last modified the CAD document.
Modified On Attribute
Identifies the name of the property that shows the date and time that the CAD document was last modified.
Organization ID System Attribute
Identifies the name of the property in the CAD tool that shows the CAD document's organization id. The value may be set to a CAD system attribute. The default value is PTC_WM_ORGANIZATION_ID.
Part Name System Attribute
PTC_WM_PART_NAME (default)
Identifies the name of the property in the CAD tool that shows the CAD document's Owner-associated part Name. The value may be set to a CAD system attribute. The default value is PTC_WM_PART_NAME.
Part Number System Attribute
Identifies the name of the property in the CAD tool that shows the CAD document's Owner-associated part Number. The value may be set to a CAD system attribute. The default value is PTC_WM_PART_NUMBER.
Part Revision Attribute
Identifies the name of the property that shows the revision of the part associated with the drawing.
Part State Attribute
Identifies the name of the property that shows the life cycle state of the part associated with the drawing.
Revision System Attribute
Identifies the name of the property in the CAD tool that shows the CAD document's Revision. The value may be set to a CAD system attribute. The default value is PTC_WM_REVISION.
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