What’s New > Windchill Workgroup Manager > > Open Mathcad Worksheet from Windchill
Open Mathcad Worksheet from Windchill
Product: Windchill Workgroup Manager for PTC Mathcad
You can now select a Mathcad worksheet document from Windchill Commonspace and Workspace, and open it in your active PTC Mathcad session.
As Namespace shell extension support is retired, the File > Open action cannot access a Mathcad worksheet from Windchill through ‘PTC Place’. Therefore, Mathcad Prime 8.0 has introduced a new action Open From Windchill. This action enables you to select a Mathcad worksheet from Windchill Commonspace and Workspace, and open it in your active Mathcad session.
Additional Details
File > Open action does not support opening a Mathcad worksheet stored in Windchill.
Open From Windchill action only supports Mathcad worksheets with file name having 32 characters or less.
To open Mathcad worksheets with longer file names, use Open in Mathcad action from Windchill HTML page from embedded browser in Windchill Workgroup Manager.
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