What’s New > Windchill > > End User > Advanced Customization > File Vaulting and Replication: Vault Cloning Optimization
File Vaulting and Replication: Vault Cloning Optimization
Product: Windchill
Configuring the production vault as shared and allowing read-only access to test or development environment have the following benefits:
Additional storage is not required to copy the production data for setting up the test or development environment.
Saves time on data replication from production vault to a new vault for test or development environment.
Additional Details
After cloning the production environment to set up the test or development environment, you now have the option to share the production vault data with the test or development environment instead of duplicating the entire content of the production vault. The production environment will have read-write access to the shared vault, and the test or development environment will have read-only access to the shared vault.
Related Information
For more details, see Vault Cloning Optimization.
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