Advanced Customization > Info*Engine User’s Guide > Info*Engine JSP Pages > Info*Engine Custom Tags and JSP Pages
Info*Engine Custom Tags and JSP Pages
Info*Engine tags provide access to a set of custom Info*Engine actions that encapsulate recurring functionality. Using these tags, you can easily code JSP pages that do these actions.
Info*Engine provides you with the following tag libraries that contain custom tags for your use:
Core Library Tags: The core library contains general Info*Engine tags that make coding an Info*Engine JSP page simpler.
Directory Library Tags: The directory library contains Info*Engine tags that can be used when you are manipulating information that is in a directory.
Supplied Library Tags (JSTL), Supplied Library Tags (Logging), and Supplied Library Tags (XSL): The supplied library contains Info*Engine tags that are designed for authoring Info*Engine Tasks.
For more information on the above tag libraries, see Info*Engine Tags.
As described previously, before using these tags on a JSP page, you must identify the library and its prefix using a JSP taglib directive. For all examples shown in this guide, the ie prefix is specified for the core tag library as follows:
<%@ taglib uri=""
prefix="ie" %>
In addition, the iedir prefix is specified for the directory tag library as follows:
<%@ taglib uri=""
prefix="iedir" %>
For details on the specified prefixes for the supplied tag libraries, refer to the Info*Engine Custom Tag Reference. However, you can use a prefix of your choice as long as it uniquely identifies the tags on the page.
Common Uses for Custom Tags
Custom Tag
Define webjects and their parameters
Execute Info*Engine tasks and define their parameters
Authenticate users who access the JSP page
Group a sequence of webjects, tasks, or Java code so that the group is executed as a unit and optionally include success and failure processing
These tags are supported in JSPs but their use is strongly discouraged from within JSPs due to how taglibs must be processed. Ideally these tags should only be used from Info*Engine tasks.
Iterate through an existing Info*Engine group one element at a time and retrieve the value
Concurrently execute tasks or webjects
The following sections include examples that use some of these custom tags. In addition, there are other tags in the Info*Engine tag libraries that may be useful to you. The complete list of tags, their syntax, and descriptions can be found in the Info*Engine Custom Tag Reference.
For the general rules that apply to both JSP pages and Info*Engine tasks, see Info*Engine Custom Tag Reference.
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