Sample Code
The following code is extracted from the AssignmentsBreadCrumbDelegate which generates the bread crumbs for an task (WorkItem) object.
public class AssignmentBreadCrumbDelegate implements BreadCrumbDelegate {

public boolean canHandle(Persistable contextObject, WTContainer container,
String url)
throws WTException {
if (contextObject instanceof WorkItem || contextObject instanceof
ActionItem) {
return true;
return false;

public AbstractBreadCrumbGenerator getGenerator(Persistable contextObject,
WTContainer container, String url) throws WTException {
return new AssignmentCrumbGenerator(p, container);

public class AssignmentCrumbGenerator extends AbstractBreadCrumbGenerator {

* IDs for Assignment list components.
protected static final String PRODUCT_ASSIGNMENTS_LIST_ID =
protected static final String LIBRARY_ASSIGNMENTS_LIST_ID =
protected static final String QUALITY_ASSIGNMENTS_LIST_ID =
protected static final String PROJECT_ASSIGNMENTS_LIST_ID =

protected WTContainer container;

* Initialize as a generator and set instance variable
* container so that the Assignments crumb can be made.
* First tries to set container to c. Next
* tries to set container to contextObject's container (if
* contextObject is WTContained). Next tries to set
* container to contextObject's source object's container.
* Lastly tries to set container to contextObject's
* primary business object container.
* @param contextObject
* @param c
* @throws WTException
public AssignmentCrumbGenerator(Persistable contextObject,
WTContainer c)
throws WTException {

// If no container is passed in, try to get it from contextObject.
if (c == null && contextObject!= null) {
WTContained containedItem = null;

if (contextObject instanceof WTContained) {
// This will either be an ActionItem (which is contained)
// or could possibly be a future WorkItem, if it ever
// implements WTContained.
containedItem = (WTContained) contextObject;
} else if (contextObject instanceof WorkItem) {
// Use the WorkItem's source if it is contained.
ObjectReference sourceRef = ((WorkItem)

if (sourceRef != null) {
Persistable source = sourceRef.getObject();
if (source instanceof WTContained) {
containedItem = (WTContained) source;

// If there is still no containedItem, try use the
// WorkItem's primary business object.
if (containedItem == null) {
PersistentReference primaryObjectRef = ((WorkItem)
if (primaryObjectRef != null) {
Persistable primaryObject = primaryObjectRef
if (primaryObject instanceof WTContained) {
containedItem = (WTContained) primaryObject;

if (containedItem != null) {
c = containedItem.getContainer();
container = c;

public JSONArray getCrumbs() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Couldn't create the crumbs for container "
+ container, e);

try {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Couldn't create the Assignments Table crumb.", e);

return crumbs;

* Makes the Assignments List crumb for a given assignment object.
* @return JSONObject
* @throws WTException
* @throws JSONException
protected JSONObject createAssignmentsCrumb() throws JSONException,
WTException {
if (container == null) {
log.warn("The Assignments list crumb will not be made because
container is null.");
return null;

String url = getAssignmentsListUrl(container);
String localizedText = navigationBundle
return createCrumb(url, localizedText);
* Given a container, will return a URL for the assignment list
* Example:
* app/#ptc1/comp/netmarkets.product.assignments.list?
* .pdmlink.PDMLinkProduct%3A12345&u8=1
* @param container
* @return String
protected String getAssignmentsListUrl(WTContainer container) {
String url = "";

if (container instanceof PDMLinkProduct) {
url = MVCUrlHelper.getComponentURL(PRODUCT_ASSIGNMENTS_
} else if (container instanceof Project2) {
// Could be project or program. Same URL in either case.
url = MVCUrlHelper.getComponentURL(PROJECT_ASSIGNMENTS_
} else if (container instanceof WTLibrary) {
WTLibrary libObj = (WTLibrary) container;
if (libObj.isQMSTypeContainer()) {
// If Quality container then navigate to Quality
// page
url = MVCUrlHelper
} else {
// If Library container then navigate to Library
// page
url = MVCUrlHelper
} else {
// This is the case where container is null or of unsupported
// container type.
return null;

url = url.replaceFirst("/", MVCUrlHelper.APPPREFIX);

String containerOid = "OR:"
+ container.getPersistInfo().getObjectIdentifier()
try {
containerOid = URLEncoder.encode(containerOid, "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
log.error("Could not encode the container oid.", e);

url += "?oid=" + containerOid + "&u8=1";

return url;
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