Windchill Visualization Service Properties
Windchill uses standard Java property files to dynamically configure many optional or site-dependent settings. The primary property file,, is located in the Windchill codebase directory, where it is available for downloading into clients. It contains properties that affect both client and server Java classes.
You can edit these files by using the xconfmanager utility, which enables you to add properties and values, delete properties, and save your changes to the properties files, for implementation when you restart the Windchill system.
For more information, see About the xconfmanager Utility.
Windchill Visualization Service (WVS) uses the properties described in the following table.
They are set in the file. The table is arranged alphabetically by property name.
Beginning at Windchill 10.2, PTC has changed the location of the and files. These files have been moved from the <Windchill>/codebase directory to the <Windchill>/codebase/WEB-INF/conf directory. Be sure to make any necessary changes to your code to reflect this location change.
Windchill Visualization Service Property
Default Value: 600
Synopsis: Batch Print timeout length (in seconds).
Description: The number of seconds the print processor waits for a response from the Worker Agent after a request to perform Batch Print has been made.
Default Value: $(wt.home)\\conf\\wvs\\agent.ini
Synopsis: Configuration file for the Worker Agent.
Description: Specifies the configuration file used by the Worker Agent. This file configures the workers that are available for use by the WVS Publisher.
Default Value: $(wt.logs.dir)\\cadagent
Synopsis: Directory for worker agent log files.
Description: Specifies the directory where worker agent log files are written.
Synopsis: File types that the worker agent retrieves. The types are case insensitive and should be space- separated.
Description: Add to this space-delimited list any file extensions that the workers may create which need to be stored in Windchill. This list is not case sensitive. The default list is used if no worker-specific type list is defined (such as with THUMBNAIL).
Default Value: None
Synopsis: File types that the Worker Agent retrieves for a specific worker type XXX.
Description: Add to this space-delimited list any file extensions that the specific worker type XXX may create which need to be stored in Windchill. This list is not case sensitive. For example, the types for a THUMBNAIL worker are defined as JPG PVT EXTENTS GIF PNG.
Synopsis: File types that the Upload to File Server Hook will not upload.
Description: Add to this space-delimited list any file extensions which the Upload to File Server Hook should not upload to the File Server.
Default Value: None
Synopsis: File types that the Upload to File Server Hook will not upload for a specific worker type.
Description: Add to this space-delimited list any file extensions for the specific worker type XXX which the Upload to File Server Hook should not upload to the File Server.
Default Value: @debug_options.txt
Synopsis: Arguments passed via the worker monitor to the worker when started in debug mode.
Description: Arguments passed via the worker monitor to the worker when started in debug mode from the Worker Agent Administration utility.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Provides the ability to control clearing of the “Fails to start" condition in the Worker Agent, when the worker daemon or Telnet fails to connect to start the worker.
Description:cadagent.startattemptretrytime is the amount of time (in seconds) which makes the failed attempt start again under the same conditions. If set to cadagent.startattemptretrytime=60, the condition will get cleared every 60 seconds, after which it will again try and use that worker.
cadagent.maxstartattempts provides the ability to set the number of start attempts to start the worker. If set to cadagent.maxstartattempts=5, this sets the number of restart tries at 5.
Default Value: $(wt.home)\\loadFiles\\wvs\\testfiles.
Synopsis: The directory where the test files are stored.
Description: The directory where the test files are stored when loaded from the Creo View Client DVD. The test files are used by the Worker Agent Administration “Test Worker” function.
Default Value: Administrators
Synopsis: The Windchill users or groups that would receive the notification
Description: If the email notification property is set with valid Windchill user or group name, then these users receive an email notification when worker fails to start when publish request is sent. The notification is sent on failure to start even after multiple troubleshooting attempts.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Set to true to enable the configuration of a Distributed Worker Agent or a Distributed File Server Worker.
Description: Specifies if the Worker Agent wizard will present options and screens allowing a Distributed File Server Worker to be configured. This is relevant when working with data populated via the Windchill File Server.
Default Value: annotation,markup,group,pair_group,sequence
Synopsis: Copy markups from previous iteration when a new representation is created.
Description: If previous iteration is for the same version, the copymarkupsfrompreviousiteration list is used to decide the list of markup types to copy from those available: annotation, markup, group, pair_group, or sequence.
Default Value: annotation,markup,group,pair_group,sequence
Synopsis: Copy markups from previous iteration when a new representation is created.
Description: If previous iteration is for a different version, the copymarkupsfrompreviousversion list is used to decide the list of markup types to copy from those available: annotation, markup, group, pair_group, or sequence.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Setting this property to true matches the default status in preference to name.
Description: When copying markups from previous iteration, the representation to copy from is first matched on the name and then on the default status. Setting this property to true matches the default status in preference to name.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: When this property is set to true, markups are first matched on their status as a default representation.
Description: When copying markups from a previous iteration and edrload.copymarkupsmatchdefaultfirst is set to true, markups are first matched on their status as a default representation. Failing that, the markups can then be matched on the representation’s name if edrload.copymarkupssecondarymatchname is set to true.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: When this property is set to true, markups are first matched by their name.
Description: When copying markups from a previous iteration and edrload.copymarkupsmatchdefaultfirst is set to false, markups are first matched by their name. Failing that, the markups can then be matched on the representation’s default status if edrload.copymarkupssecondarymatchname is set to true.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Copy content from referenced and describing documents to the representation.
Description: Specifies whether to copy content from referenced and describing documents to the representation or reference the content from the document.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Copy transform information from EPM./CAD System to Part structure.
Description: Copies transform information from the representation (CAD system based) to Part structure during publishing. For CAD systems whose structure is file driven, this causes publish.matchcadnames to be treated as true.
The transformation of components with flexible positioning are NOT modified even if this property is enabled.
Default Value: $(wt.temp)\\wcinput
Synopsis: Directory for ticket files.
Description: Specifies the directory polled by loader for ticket files that are used to load preconverted visualization data into Windchill.
Default Value: WindchillDocument
Synopsis: Creo View property group for WTDocument properties.
Description: Specifies the Creo View property group for WTDocument properties. A change to this value requires the corresponding change in the Creo View installation.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Specifies whether to read the PVS file of representations when viewing dynamic CAD structures or PART structures in Creo View or in the Visualization tab.
Description: The dynamic structure of a representation that has a pvsfile with a single component is generated on the server without reading the pvsfile from the vault. To allow the dynamic structure generation to recognize if this representation is suitable for not reading the pvsfile, representation is marked with a new OL file name flag.
If set to TRUE, the performance while loading Dynamic CAD and Part structures in Creo View and in Visualization tab improves.
If set to false, WVS read the PVS file for each component.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Specifies whether to exclude representations with additive assembly features. These properties are used to improve performance when generating the dynamic structure. They do not impact the actual end result; that is, the dynamic structure is the same regardless of what the property is set to.
Description: These properties specify whether to exclude representations of assembly parts or CAD Documents that have additive assembly features (such as welds and pipes) from the dynamic CAD part structure.
The property defaults to True if it is absent.
This property’s performance gain is only realized for representations published with a Creo View adapter that injects data into the PVS file to indicate whether there are assembly features. Currently, the only adapter that supports this is the Creo Parametric adapter, beginning at Creo View 3.0 M020.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: If an assembly contains ONLY unplaced components it is treated as a leaf node and the representation is loaded from it.
Description: If the preference, Show Unplaced Components in Dynamic Part Structures is disabled, and ALL children are unplaced, this property determines the behavior.
When this property is set to True, the default representation of the parent containing only unplaced components, is loaded instead of it’s children.
When this property is set to False, no geometry is loaded for the assembly structure because the children are all unplaced and set not to show in the visualization tab.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Specifies whether to remove appearance overrides in the dynamic part or cad structure.
Description: These properties specify whether to remove appearance overrides in the dynamic part or cad structure — for example, assembly colors is not used.
The property defaults to True if it is absent.
Default Value: WTPart
Synopsis: Specifies what version mismatch warnings are displayed when opening Creo View.
Description: This property is used to configure how version mismatch warning messages are displayed when users view Dynamic Part Structures with Assembly Features processing enabled. Specifically, a warning message is displayed when there is a version mismatch between the CAD documents. There are four possible values for this property:
WTPart — Only Part version mismatches are displayed in the warning message.
EPMDocument — Only EPMDocument mismatches are displayed in the warning message.
EPMDocumentRevertToWTPart — EPMDocument mismatches are displayed in the warning message. f it is not possible to detect if there is an EPMDocument mismatch, it checks if the WTPart is a mismatch.
Both — Both WTPart mismatches and EPMDocument mismatches are displayed in the warning message.
The property defaults to WTPart if not specified, or if it is not set to one of the values specified above.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Allows you to switch the business logic applicable to dynamic part structure (eBOM and mBOM) between the two approaches.
Description: This property, applicable to dynamic part structure (eBOM and mBOM), is used to switch the business logic between the following two approaches:
Read Representations to apply feature on the impacted nodes within a structure.
Read database tables to apply feature on the impacted nodes within a structure. This approach is required to support BOM transformation use cases.
These approaches are used to support the following features in dynamic part structure:
Flexible Assembly
Display Representations from image associated EPM Documents
The default value is true, meaning the approach to read representations to find feature-impacted nodes within a structure is used by default to support the features.
When this property is set to false, the approach to read the database data will be used to support these features.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Enables creation of a PVZ file when visualization data is stored.
Description: Enables the creation of a PVZ file when visualization data is stored. This includes data stored by the WVS publisher. Based on a user preference, a user views a PVZ (if available) or a PVS file. A PVZ file downloads to the client all file data from a Representation initially, while with a PVS file, individual files are downloaded on demand.
Default Value: WindchillEPM
Synopsis: Creo View property group for EPMDocument properties.
Description: Specifies the Creo View property group for EPMDocument properties. A change to this value requires the corresponding change in the Creo View installation.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Enables the part information to be populated for the image-associated and contributing image-associated EPMDocument representation in Creo View
Description: This property enables the part information of an image-associated and contributing image-associated EPMDocument to be populated inCreo View for the published representation of the WTPart.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Includes Describing WTDocuments in PVS file.
Description: Includes Describing WTDocuments in PVS file for WTPart structure traversal. Significantly increases the structure traversal time.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Flag to specify if EPMDocument properties/property page link is to be included in part structure viewing/representations.
Description: Flag to specify if EPMDocument properties/property page link is to be included in part structure viewing/representations.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Flag to specify if EPMDocument properties/property page link is to be included in part structure viewing/representations.
Description: Flag to specify if EPMDocument properties/property page link is to be included in part structure viewing/representations.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Specifies whether to include part masters in the part structure.
Description: Flag to specify if part masters are to be included in the part structure.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Includes Windchill properties in PVS file.
Description: When set to True, Windchill properties are included in the PVS file.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Link to properties pages is to be added.
Description: Flag specifies if link to properties pages is to be added.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Includes Referenced WTDocuments in PVS file.
Description: Includes Referenced WTDocuments in PVS file for WTPart structure traversal. Significantly increases the structure traversal time.
Default Value:$(wt.home)$(wvs.dir.sep)
Synopsis: File name of the manually created authfile.
Description: The username and password in the authfile are for the LiveCycle server, not Windchill. They are specified in the same file format used for CAD workers when using File Sync: one line containing auth=user:password. The auth file must be created in a location outside the codebase.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Configures a credential alias used to apply Acrobat Reader extensions to a PDF
Description: Since the default is not set, the credentialAlias defaults to the username configured in the livecycle.authfile, above. If the LiveCycle server has a credentialAlias that is different from the username that is being used, this property must be set to the server credentialAlias.
Default Value: com.ptc.wvs.livecycle.assembler
Synopsis: The package name of the LiveCycle soap proxy classes.
Description: New proxy classes can be created, if required, using the wsimport command line tool in the Java Developer’s Kit. The package name here can be set to the package name specified with wsimport.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: The location of the service URL. No default is set.
Description: The location of the service URL. A sample value might be: http://livecyclehostname:8080/soap/services/AssemblerService
Default Value:$(edrload.livecycle.assembler.serviceurl)?WSDL&lc_version=9.0.0
Synopsis: The WSDL URL name.
Description: Set by default from serviceurl (above); specifies WSDL version
Default Value: Not specified. User provides a value for this property that corresponds to the location of the delegate.
Synopsis: Customization Hook to dynamically generate a PDF cover sheet out-of-the-box.
Description: Defines a Class/Method to provide a custom implementation to dynamically generate DDX instructions and a map of associated content, to be sent to a configured Adobe Experience Manager Assembler service for processing. This call to the Adobe Experience Manager Assembler service takes place before any watermarks or Reader Rights are applied. See <Windchill>/prog_examples/wvs/com/ptc/wvs/ for an example implementation of this hook.
Default Value: Not specified
Synopsis: Character set to use for new PVS files.
Description: Specifies the character set to use for new PVS files (for example, a representation of a part structure). If not specified (default), the system default encoding is used.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Overwrites transform information on part structure.
Description: Overwrites transform information on part structure, when copying data from EPM/CAD System.
Default Value: quantity.amount quantity.unit
Synopsis: A space-separated list of WTPartUsageLink and WTPartOccurenceLink attribute names (internal).
Description: Specifies a space-separated list of WTPartUsageLink and WTPartOccurenceLink attribute names (internal) that must be added into static and dynamic part structure PVS file.
The behavior of this property depends on the property edrload.includeproperties (must be set to True).
Default Value: WindchillPart
Synopsis: Creo View property group for WTPart properties.
Description: Specifies the Creo View property group for WTPart properties. A change to this value requires the corresponding change in the Creo View installation.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: During WTPart structure traversal, when merging representations into the part structure, this property specifies whether the representations root-direct children are only checked for having a referenced WTPart, or also checked for EPMDocuments and the publishing merge flag.
Description: Within the representation root children there normally are WTParts and EPMDocuments, but if the children in the CAD structure do not have WTParts (i.e., only the high-level product structure is made up of WTParts), then with the EPMDocument check, the child data is not included. If this property is set to "True", any data that is a child of the root in a representation, and the associated EPMDocument, is included in the part structure view. If this is not desired or problematic, set the property to “False”.
Default Value: Not specified
Synopsis: Customization hook that provides the ability to modify how a dynamic part structure is generated.
Description: Defines a Class/Method to provide a custom implementation to alter the default behavior of how representations are merged into the dynamic part structure. By default, this hook only affects dynamic part structures displayed in Creo View. You can use the filter to affect dynamic part structures displayed in the Visualization tab by setting the edrload.partstructurefilter.enableviztabfilter property to true.
Default Value: Not specified
Synopsis: When enabled, the edrload.partstructurefiltermethod property affects the dynamic part structure displayed in the Visualization tab.
Default Value: name number containerName organizationName viewName CADName formatName description title
Synopsis: A list of modelled properties which should be explicitly retrieved from appropriate objects.
Description: If a property in this explicit list is not required, remove it from this list and add it to edrload.propertyskiplist (see below). When a property in this list is added to edrload.propertyskiplist, it will not be retrieved by the general mechanism.
Default Value: iterationInfo classInfo cabinet conceptualClassname persistInfo attributeContainer entrySet lock versionIdentifier hasContents versionLineage class cabinetReference domainRef iterationIdentifier contentVector format typeDefinitionReference locked latestIteration inheritedDomain lifeCycleAtGate checkoutInfo branchIdentifier versionDisplayType oneOffVersionInfo oneOffVersionIdentifier displayIdentifier displayType type state identity extentsValid folderPath master versionDisplayIdentifier lifeCycleTemplate controlBranch primary teamIdentity teamTemplateIdentity generatedFields containerReference container organization organizationReference template creator modifier location masterReference organizationUniqueIdentifier organizationCodingSystem teamId teamTemplateId effVector federatableInfo httpVector indexerSet locker operation ownership view boxExtents docSubType versionDisplayIdentity eventSet iterationNote lockDate lockNote lockerEMail lockerFullName lockerName authoringAppVersion authoringAppVersionReference dbKeySize familyTableMaster familyTableMasterReference familyTableStatus featureValues parameterValues referenceControl parentFolder securityLabels securityLabelsCache rootItemReference interopInfo asStoredConfigReference
Synopsis: A list of modelled and IBA properties that should not be included in the Creo View Structure file.
Description: If not set, the default list is used. If set to an empty value, all Windchill properties are included. See edrload.propertyexplicitlist, above.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Specifies whether the WTPartUsageLink and PartUsesOccurrence attributes are to be added into the static PVS file at the time of publishing.
Description: Specifies whether the WTPartUsageLink and PartUsesOccurrence attributes are to be added into the static PVS file at the time of publishing. The behavior of this property depends on the properties edrload.includeproperties (must be set to True) and edrload.part.explicitpartlinkpropertylist (must have values specified for quantity.amount or quantity.unit attributes).
Default Value: $(wvs.edfileencoding)
Synopsis: Default character set to use for reading PVS or ETB files.
Description: Specifies the default character set to use for reading PVS or ETB files. The default is to use the default character set of the server. You can also specify the charset in ticket file to override this value. If the PVS file specifies a value, that value is always used.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Enables debug mode for loader.
Description: Enables debug mode for loader.
Default Value:
Synopsis: Character set to use for storing PVS files in database.
Description: Specifies the character set to use for storing PVS files in database. If not specified (default), the existing encoding or the system default is used.
Default Value: UTF-8
Synopsis: Specifies the encoding to use when transferring files to and from the server.
Description: Specifies the encoding to use when transferring files to and from the server. If not specified otherwise, the system default UTF-8 is used.
This property is required for release and onwards.
By default, this property is not available on the Windchill server. You must configure it after installing Windchill. For more information, see Publishing Documents with Multibyte Character in Filename.
Default Value: part_objectid epmdoc_objectid
Synopsis: List of object attributes to be included in an Interference Report.
Description: A space–separated list of object attributes, parent attributes, or common parent attributes to be included in the Interference Report generated by a Creo View Client Adapter.
Default Value:
Synopsis: List of object attributes to be included in an Interference Report.
Description: A space–separated list of object attributes, parent attributes, or common parent attributes to be included in the Interference Report generated by a Creo View Client Adapter.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Provides a custom implementation for overriding the default behavior which finds all existing interferences that correspond to a given collection of InterferenceInfo instances.
Description: This property defines a Class/Method to provide a custom implementation for overriding the default behavior, which finds all existing interferences that correspond to a given collection of InterferenceInfo instances. The default behavior finds all existing interferences that relate to the subject Interference Detection Definition. Selecting a custom implementation overrides all default behavior for finding existing interferences, including the functionality of relating interferences using the Shared Interference Detection Definition. The collection of InterferenceInfo instances represents all the interferences extracted from a single interference report XML file generated by a Creo View Client Adapter during a single execution of an interference job.
Default Value: 3600
Synopsis: Sets the timeout value (in seconds) of Interference Detection requests.
Description: This property sets the number of seconds in which the WVS interference processor waits for a response from the Worker Agent after a request to perform Interference Detection has been made.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: When a new Interference markup is created, this property defines whether its allowCopyForward flag is set to True or False.
Description: Defines whether the allowCopyForward flag is set to True or False when a new Interference markup is created. If set to True, it could be copied forward depending on other settings.
Copying forward this markup type is not recommended.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: When a new Interference Report markup is created, this property defines whether its allowCopyForward flag is set to True or False.
Description: Defines whether the allowCopyForward flag is set to True or False when a new Interference Report markup is created. If set to True, it could be copied forward depending on other settings.
Copying forward this markup type is not recommended.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Defines whether the copy forward setting is enabled when a new markup is created.
Description: The property default defines whether the copy forward setting is enabled (“True”) when a new markup is created. The copy forward setting for individual markups can be set from the Annotations and Groups listing.
Default Value: $(wt.temp)$(wvs.dir.sep)markup
Synopsis: Temporary directory used when creating markups.
Description: Specifies the temporary directory used when creating markups.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Enables debug information when creating markups.
Description: Enables debug information when creating markups.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Enables the use of the Creo View plug-in when launching Creo View, this is the mechanism used earlier than Windchill 11 M010
Description: By default, Creo View is launched without the usage of the Creo View plug-in for Internet Explorer and Firefox.
Default Value: 300
Synopsis: The number of seconds that the Creo View Agent waits after the last Creo View session using it exited, before it exits. When a new Creo View Agent is subsequently started the user must authenticate that new Creo View Agent session.
Description: The timeout period will start after the last Creo View instance using that Creo View Agent has been closed. Default value is 5 minutes (300 seconds).
Default Value: batchprint='true'
Synopsis: Options to send to Creo View at startup when batch printing.
Description: Options to send to Creo View at startup when batch printing.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: When viewing objects from the visualization collection, the Creo View configuration selected is based on the context of the first object.
Description: When viewing objects from the visualization collection, the Creo View configuration selected is based on the context of the first object.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: When viewing objects from the visualization collection, the Creo View configuration selected is based on the organization of the user.
Description: When viewing objects from the visualization collection, the Creo View configuration selected is based on the organization of the user.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Get Creo View configuration information from server.
Description: Instruct the system to get Creo View configuration information from the server (for example, this retrieves watermark information from the WVSConfigurationTemplate for the context of the object being viewed).
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: The type for the WVXConfigurationTemplate to be used when a user has modify access to the object being viewed.
Description: When Creo View receives configuration files from the server, users who have modify access to the representable can use a different WVSConfigurationTemplate object. The type is specified when the WVSConfigurationTemplate is created and that string should match the value of this property. If no value is specified, all users, regardless of access rights, use the same configuration based on the context.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Options to send to Creo View at startup.
Description: Options to send to Creo View at startup.
Default Value: redirecturl='unload.jsp'
Synopsis: Web page that Creo View will redirect to upon exit.
Description: Specifies the Web page that Creo View will redirect to upon exit. The default page simply closes the small web browser window that hosts the Creo View plugin.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Allows all parts, even those "built" from an EPM structure, to be updated.
Description: When set to “True”, allows all parts, including those "built" from an EPM structure, to be updated. When set to “False”, built parts cannot have their orientation updated.
If a built structure is modified, those changes are lost upon republishing the assembly.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Allows all representations, even those "derived from" something (e.g., publishing), to be updated.
Description: When set to “True”, allows all representations, including those "derived from" something to be updated. When set to “False”, published representations cannot have orientations updated.
If a published representation is modified, those changes are lost on republishing.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Causes a thumbnail to be updated when a representation has its orientations updated.
Description: When set to “True”, causes a thumbnail to be updated when a representation has its orientations updated. When set to “False”, the thumbnail is not updated.
For large assemblies, thumbnail generation can take a significant amount of time.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Controls the updating of orientation information of child parts.
Description: When set to “True”, updates the orientation information of child parts, but the user must have MODIFY access to the parent part to update the orientation information of child parts. When set to “False”, allows a part’s children to have their orientations updated, even if the user does not have MODIFY access to the parent part.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: A custom method can be supplied to provide custom settings to override the above four properties values to control orientation updates, on an object-by-object basis. If no method is supplied, the values from the above properties are used.
Description: The property value is specified in the form classname/methodname. The method must have the following signature:public static Boolean[] methodName(Persistable p) The returned Boolean array should be of size 2, and the values are as follows:
If the input is a Representation, [0] is the value of update.allreps, [1] is the value of update.thumbnail.
If the input is a WTPart, [0] is the value of update.allparts, [1] is the value of update.checkpartaccess.
A return of null indicates that the default property values are to be used.
Default Value: false
Synopsis: Optional means of disabling the version checker plugin that is used to check the present version of Creo View on the client system against what is installable from Windchill.
Description: When set to “true”, the web-based installation process for the Creo View clients is not available from this server.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: After the successful creation of a new Representation, as a result of Copy a Representation Forward or as a result of a Paste of a Representation to a Representable, a custom method can be called to perform additional work (such as setting ad hoc permissions) on the new representation.
The method is defined by the following property in the form classname/methodname. The method must have the following signature:public static String[] methodName(Representation_copiedRep)Representation _repable,Representation _rep, The return value is an array of strings written to the Method Server's log when verbose WVS messaging is enabled.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: After the edrloader successfully creates a new representation, a custom method can be called to perform additional work (such as setting ad hoc permissions) on the new representation.
The method is defined by the following property in the form classname/methodname. The method must have the following signature:public static String[] methodName(Representable_repable)Persistable _derivedFrom,Representation _rep,ConfigSpec _configSpec,ConfigSpec _partConfigSpec,int _structureType)The return value is an array of strings written to the edrloader's log.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Enables the republishing of representations with markups when set to True.
Description: Normally, a representation can only be re-published if there are no associated markups. When enabled, all markups of the old representation are copied to new representation, and the old representation and its markups are deleted.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Enables/disables the publishing of a specified object event if the specified config spec does not select it.
Description: When the object specified to be published would not be selected with the specified config spec, the specified object or the one selected by the config spec can be used for the publish job. For example, publishing an old iteration of an EPMDocument when using a Latest config spec.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Application Type to Java class lookup.
Description: Specifies a required entry that relates the Application Type to a Java class that handles application-specific publishing for any authoring application supported by the WVS Publisher.
Default: False
Synopsis: Application Type to Java class lookup.
Description: Valid for type PROE when publishing as an extended positioning assembly. If set to True, the representation retrieves dependent files from components of all assembly levels in the assembly structure. If set to False, only the first-level components in the assembly structure is retrieved.
Setting this property to True has an impact on performance. This property should only be set to True for customers using a modeling practice that creates assembly features for non-direct children at the top-level assembly.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Filter the list of file types that are allowed to be published when using the example hook implementation.
Description: This property contains a list of file extensions that should be published when using the example hook implementation. This property is only used when the publish.service.filterpublishmethod or publish.service.filterepmdocumentpublishmethodproperties have been configured to point to the example hook. A sample implementation can be found in <Windchill installation directory>/prog_examples/wvs/com/ptc/wvs/server/publish/
Default Value: 3600
Synopsis: Timeout for conversion of CAD assemblies.
Description: Specifies the timeout for Worker Agent conversion of CAD assemblies in seconds.
Default Value: 600
Synopsis: Timeout for conversion of CAD components.
Description: Specifies a timeout for Worker Agent conversion of CAD components in seconds.
Default Value: 600
Synopsis: Timeout for conversion of CAD drawings.
Description: Specifies the timeout for worker agent conversion of CAD drawings in seconds.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Use the as-stored config spec when publishing EPMDocuments.
Description: Set this property to True to use the as-stored config spec. Otherwise, in either of the following cases, the config spec used depends on the EPMDocument:
When publishing an EPMDocument structure with no specified config spec
When the Create Representation wizard specifies default, which is the default option.
When set to false, the latest config spec is used.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Specifies the default config spec for a publish job for a Positioning Assembly, independent of all other publish jobs.
Description: Set this property to true to use the as-stored config spec, if one exists, as the default when a config spec is not specified. Otherwise, in either of the following cases, the config spec used depends on the value of the publish.configspec.default.posassy.useasstoredifavailable property.
When publishing an EPMDocument structure with no specified config spec.
When the Create Representation wizard specifies default, which is the default option.
When set to false, the latest config spec for the Positioning Assembly is used.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Specifies the default config spec for a Drawing publish job, independent of all other publish jobs.
Description: Set this property to true to use the as-stored config spec, if one exists, as the default when a config spec is not specified. Otherwise, in either of the following cases, the config spec used depends on the value of the publish.configspec.default.drawing.useasstoredifavailable property.
When publishing a Drawing with no specified config spec.
When the Create Representation wizard specifies default, which is the default option.
When set to false, the latest config spec for Drawing is used.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Enables specifying the default config spec for a Drawing publish job independent of all other publish jobs.
Description: Indicates if all representations should be copied forward when a new representable iteration is created in a different context (for example, in an integral checkout).
Default Value: True
Synopsis: When a representable is copied, copy forward all the representations or only those that would normally be copied forward.
Description: When a representable is copied, copy forward all the representations or only those that would normally be copied forward.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Should all representations created with New One Off Version be copied forward.
Description: When a representable is created using the New One Off Version action, set the default to True if all representations should be copied forward; set the default to False if they should not.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Should all representations created with New View Version be copied forward.
Description: When a representable is created using the New View Version action, set the default to True if all representations should be copied forward; set the default to False if they should not.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: When a representable is revised, copy forward all the representations or only those that would normally be copied forward.
Description: When a representable is revised, copy forward all the representations or only those that would normally be copied forward.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Allows the copy forward of Annotation and Groups when enabled.
Description: Applies in the case where a Representation is copied forward when a part iterates. If this is enabled, the associated Annotation and Groups are also copied.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Allow the copy markups to be restricted to copying from a representation to a representation and a viewable to a viewable only.
Description: When copying markups, allows the copy to be restricted to copying from a representation to a representation and a viewable to a viewable only.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: When enabled, allows Representations to be copied forward (to the next iteration) when parts iterate.
Description: Specifies if the copy forward of Representations takes place. This takes place if set to true and the copy does not compromise the validity of data published from EPM.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Restrict representation copy forward mode.
Description: Restricted representation copy forward mode does not copy a published representation forward when a WTPart iterates an old and new iteration point to the same EPMDocument.
Synopsis: List of application types that can be loaded or converted from the Create Representation window.
Description: Lists application types that can be loaded or converted from the Create Representation window on a WTPart without an EPMDocument. This is a space-separated list of keys from EPMAuthoringAppTypeRB.rbinfo. If the type OTHER is included, the file to be processed is treated as if it is on a document: the document worker mapping determines the conversion that occurs.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Delete temporary PVZ file.
Description: When publishing an EPMDocument that has a PVZ file of preconverted data (client side-generated viewables), deletes the PVZ file when the EPMDocument is published.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Set copy forward of markups for WTDocuments.
Description: Sets copy forward of markups for WTDocuments. Individual markups are copied forward only if that markup has its copy forward flag set.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Set copy forward of representations for WTDocuments.
Description: Sets copy forward of representations for WTDocuments. All representations of WTDocuments are candidates for copy forward, even if they are published from the document content files. Publishing occurs only when document files are uploaded. If markups on the WTDocuments representations are copied forward, the representations are not replaced by publishing.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Controls whether or not to include working copies of dependents when publishing.
Description: When publishing EPMDocument or WTPart, the default is NOT to include the working copies of the published parts. If the value is set to true the working copies are included in the representation.
Note that when using “file sync” for publishing EPMDocuments, only the properties are included, the geometry for working copies is not included.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Controls whether local attributes, in addition to global attributes and modeled attributes, are required.
Description: When set to True, local attributes are retrieved and included in the Creo View data along with global attributes and modeled attributes. When local attributes are added to the .pvs file, the prefix "std" is added as part of the prefix for the specific object type. Refer to the file for more information about the use of this property.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Restrict marking out of date to only direct uses EPMDocuments.
Description: Restricts marking out of date to only direct uses EPMDocuments.
Default Value:
Synopsis: Method to filter which representations are marked out of date.
Description: By default, representations that are derived with a Latest Config Spec are candidates for being marked out of date. You can use a custom method to provide different criteria, such as a life cycle state. The method is defined by the following property in the form classname/methodname. The method should have the following signature: public static Boolean methodname (EPMDocument epmdoc, Representation rep). A return of Boolean TRUE indicates that the passed in representation of the passed in EPMDocument is a candidate for being marked out of date. A return of Boolean FALSE indicates that is should not be a candidate.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Marks parent's representations out of date on PDM checkin.
Description: When set to true, representations of parent objects created with a latest configuration spec is marked out of date when a PDM checkin is complete for a child.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Marks parent's representations out of date on checkin.
Description: When set to true, representations of parent objects created with a latest configuration spec is marked out of date when the child is checked in.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Marks parent's representations out of date on publish.
Description: This is the default setting. To specify any other setting for marking out of date, such as on checkin or revise, you must set this value to False.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Marks parent's representations out of date on revision.
Description: When set to true, representations of parent objects created with a latest configuration spec is marked out of date when the child is revised.
Default Value:
Synopsis: Method to filter which representations that are marked out of date should be sent for republishing.
Description: When a representation is marked out of date for the first time, it can be republished. This causes many extra publishing jobs. You can define a method to use to filter which EPMDocuments should have the representation automatically republished, for only released data could be selected. The method is defined by the following property in the form classname/methodname. The method should have the following signature: public static Boolean methodname (EPMDocument epmdoc, Representation rep). A return of Boolean TRUE indicates that the passed in representation of the passed in EPMDocument is sent for republishing; a return of Boolean FALSE indicates that it should not.
For example, the markRepublishAll method sends all representations for republishing. publish.markoutofdaterepublishmethod=com.ptc.wvs.server.publish.PublishHelper/markRepublishAll
When representations are not sent for republishing, the schedule job republishOutOfDate, or a customer schedule job, can be used to republish representations marked as out of data at a time best suited to system resource usage.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Provide a warning to the user when viewing representations marked as out of date.
Description: Representations can be marked as out of date which provides a warning to the user when viewing that representation. Generally, positioning assemblies do not need to be marked out of date, as typically they are using a Latest config spec to select the latest children at the time of viewing.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Provide a warning to the user when viewing representations marked as out of date.
Description: Representations can be marked as out of date which provides a warning to the user when viewing that representation. When an EPMDocument is published, it can find referencing EPMDocuments and mark their representations that are older than the EPMDocument being published and use a Latest Config Spec as being potentially out of date.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Provide a warning to the user when viewing representations marked as out of date.
Description: Provides a warning to the user when viewing representations marked as out of date. When an EPMDocument is published, it can find using EPMDocuments and mark their representations (that are older that the EPMDocument being published and use a Latest Config Spec) as being potentially out of date. If required, the marking of uses of representations be limited to representation that directly use the object being published.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Matches CAD system data with Windchill.
Description: Enables file-based systems to match CAD system data with Windchill. Creo View can be populated by Windchill properties, and Windchill property pages can reference Creo View. Also applies when Part transform information is populated by the EPM/CAD System to Part structure.
When edrload.copytransform is enabled, the system attempts to use CAD names to match the children.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Used to identify assemblies to be published as positioning assemblies.
Description: Used to identify assemblies to be published as positioning assemblies. See for details.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: When publishing a positioning assembly, publish children.
Description: When publishing a positioning assembly, publish children if the child does not have a representation for the positioning assembly to use.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Uses the latest iteration from the latest version of GDD.
Description: When set to true, the latest iteration from the latest version of GDD is used for iterating or modifying. This is applicable for release and above. When set to false, you can iterate or modify the latest iteration from an already linked version. For example, iterate GDD from A.3 to A.4 even if B.1 is available. This is applicable to all releases prior to
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Specifies the filter method to be invoked when a publish job is being submitted, to allow the specification of the priority and set for the publish job.
Description: For the filter method, the property value is specified in the form classname/methodname, with the method conforming to one of two signatures. For details, see Configuring Publisher Queues.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Defines the priority of queue that a particular type of publish job, from a particular source, will use.
Description: Defines the priority of queue that a particular type of publish job, from a particular source, will use. See for details.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Enables debug information for publisher queues.
Description: Enables debug information for publisher queues and schedule queue jobs.
Default Value: 5
Synopsis: Polling interval for PublisherQueue to look for free queues.
Description: Specifies the polling interval (in seconds) for PublisherQueue to look for free queues.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Covers the possibility that a republish request might be ignored on a document change if a previous publish job for the document is still executing.
Description: This property works in conjunction with the publish.republishondocumentchange property (below). Publish.republishondocumentchange must be set to True for this property to be used. In the case of publishing with workerdownload enabled, it is possible for a republish request to be ignored on a document change if a previous publish job for the document is still executing. This means the representation will not have the changes that the republish would have corrected. Setting this property to True forces a new publish job, to ensure that document changes are reflected.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Controls whether to use the first or the latest iteration of the owner associated WTPart when publishing an EPMDocument.,
Description: By default, when publishing an EPMDocument, the new published representation is created using the first iteration of the owner associated WTPart referred to by the current iteration of the EPMDocument When set to false, the latest iteration is used.
In the case of multiple-owner associated WTParts, the first or the latest iterations of the primary owner is used.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Republish or update representation when metadata on a WTDocument is changed and the WTDocument does not iterate.
Description: When the metadata on a WTDocument is changed and the WTDocument does not iterate (for example, a life cycle state is changed) the associated representations are updated. In certain cases (for example, when an OFFICE file on the WTDocument has an association to that metadata), it may be desirable to republish the representation rather than just updating it.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Retrieve all dependent files.
Description: If true, retrieves all files; if false, retrieves only those files whose links are marked as required.
You can also select and set rules by Authoring Applications. For example, to prevent retrieval of children files for PROE or CATIAV5, include the following statements:
<Property default="false" name="publish.retrieveallfiles.PROE"/>
<Property default="false" name="publish.retrieveallfiles.CATIAV5"
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Automatically add a publishing prohibition when a type of publish job from a specific source fails.
Description: Automatically add a publishing prohibition when a type of publish job from a specific source fails. See for details.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Send WTDocuments for publishing on checkin.
Description: Specifies if WTDocuments are to be sent for publishing on checkin. Only publishable files (those with an associated worker) are considered. All publishable files on the checked in document are sent for publishing. In addition, any files uploaded to a non-checkout document are published (for example, a new document or one in the users personal cabinet). This option is mutually exclusive with publish.service.document.upload.enabled.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Pass options to document publishing.
Description: Pass options for document publishing. Comma-separated list of name=value pairs. For example:encodefilename={true, false} - encode non-ascii filename before sending to workerencoding= - specify the character encoding for the PVS file, for example, SJIS or UTF-8
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Send WTDocuments for publishing on each file upload.
Description: Specifies if WTDocuments are to be sent for publishing on each file upload. Only publishable files (those with an associated worker) are considered. This option is mutually exclusive with publish.service.document.checkin.enabled.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Mark document representation, published from a file on the document, as out of date when a new version of the file is uploaded.
Description: Marks document representation, published from a file on the document, as out of date when a new version of the file is uploaded. The file is not sent for publishing (for example, for an update when publishing on checkin or if publish on checkin and upload are disabled).
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Prevents multiple submissions of existing publish jobs
Description: Submission of a new publish job is prevented if it is for the same name, representable instance, request source (manual), or publisher queue priority. Instead, this publish job is set as a being processed and in the READY state. In addition, a message appears noting that the job was not submitted because the same job is the queue.
These actions occur when multiple publish jobs are submitted using any combination of the following actions:
Clicking Create default representation on the Details tab.
Submitting a publish job from the New Representation Wizard.
Resubmitting a completed publish job using the WVS Job Monitor.
Republishing a representation, for instance, from the Representation list.
If an identical publish job is in the EXECUTING state, a new job is submitted.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Provides listener for publishing CAD data on checkin when enabled.
Description: Enables WVS listener that listens for EPM CheckIn complete events. Checked in objects will be sent for publishing.
This property is not typically used anymore and should be left with the default setting of false. See publish.service.readytopublish.enabled.
Default Value:
Synopsis: Supply method to provide custom filtering of the WTDocument content to be published.
Description: Specifies a method to provide custom filtering of the WTDocument content to be published as a result of file upload or checkin (provided the content has a worker associated with it). If no method is supplied, all WTDocument content that meets the above criteria is sent for publishing. The property value is specified in the form classname/methodname with the following signature: publish static Boolean methodname (WTDocument doc, ContentItem ci)A return of Boolean TRUE indicates the WTDocument should be published, Boolean FALSE indicates that it should not be published.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Custom filtering of EPMDocuments published as a result of CheckIn Complete or Ready To Publish events.
Description: You can supply a method to provide custom filtering of the EPMDocuments that are published as a result of a CheckIn Complete or Ready To Publish event. If no method is supplied, all EPMDocuments in the event are sent for publishing. The property value is specified in the form classname/methodname, with the following signature: public static Boolean methodname (EPMDocument epmdoc) a return of Boolean TRUE indicates the EPMDocument is published, Boolean FALSE, the EPMDocument is not published.
PTC provides a sample implementation for this property. See for details on enabling the sample implementation for this property.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Supply a method to provide custom filtering of objects that can be published.
Description: Allows you to supply a method to provide custom filtering of objects that can be published. All publishing, even from preconverted data, will be checked via this method if one has been supplied. If the publish is to convert data stored in Windchill, the flag publishFromDB is true; if the publish is for local data or data from the clipboard, publishFromDB is false. The property value is specified in the form classname/methodname, with the following signature: public static Boolean methodname(Persistable p, Boolean publishFromDB). A return of Boolean true indicates the object can be published; Boolean false indicates it cannot.
PTC provides a sample implementation for this property. See for details on enabling the sample implementation for this property.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Restricts Design Context publishing from CheckIn Complete or Ready To Publish events.
Description: Restricts Design Context publishing from CheckIn Complete or Ready To Publish events to cases where options for the creation of the representation have been specified by the client initiating the event, such as the Workgroup manager.If this option is set, default CheckIn Complete or Ready To Publish events are ignored.
If the publish.service.ignoredefaultepmevents property (see below) is set to true, Design Context will not publish, regardless of how this property is set.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Restricts EPMDocument publishing from CheckIn Complete or Ready To Publish events.
Description: Restricts EPMDocument publishing from CheckIn Complete or Ready To Publish events to cases where the client initiating the event, for example the Workgroup Manager, has specified options for the creation of the representation. If this option is set, default CheckIn Complete or Ready To Publish events are ignored.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Ignore the config spec specified in Ready To Publish events.
Description: Ignore the config spec specified in Ready to Publish events. WVS will then use either a latest or as stored config spec for the publishing.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Restrict EPMDocument publishing to PVZ files.
Description: When using PVZ client side viewables, restricts publishing of EPMDocuments to those that have PVZ files. This limits all publishing to be only from a temporary PVZ file (for example, client side viewables).
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Restrict EPMDocument publishing to PVZ files, for the check-in listener only.
Description: When using PVZ client side viewables, restricts publishing of EPMDocuments to those that have PVZ files. This limits publishing initiated by an event only.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Defines whether a WTPartAlternateRep should be sent for publishing on checkin.
Description: If set to “True”, publish on checkin is enabled; if set to “False”, publish on checkin is disabled.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Listen for Ready To Publish event to initiate publishing of EPMDocuments.
Description: Listens for Ready To Publish event to initiate publishing of EPMDocuments. Workgroup managers should omit this event for EPMDocuments that require visualization.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Enables debug mode for publish listener.
Description: Enables debug mode for publish listener.
Default Value: $(wt.temp)\\pubtemp
Synopsis: Temporary directory for WVS publisher.
Description: Stores WVS publishers temporary files in a directory.
Default Value: $(publish.tempdir)
Synopsis: Temporary directory for uploaded files.
Description: Creates a temporary directory for uploading files when creating representations from local files. For a cluster environment, this directory must be a shared, common directory, accessible to all involved method servers.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Allow markups associated directly to a viewable (for example, WTPart or WTDocument) to be copied forward when the viewable iterates.
Description: Allows markups associated directly to a viewable (for example, WTPart or WTDocument) to be copied forward when the viewable iterates. An individual markup is copied only if its copy forward flag is set.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Out-of-the-box, allows users with READ access to an EPMDocument to be able to view a drawing in Creo View.
Description: Users with READ access to the representable have download access to the representation content. DOWNLOAD permission is not needed unless the property representationcontent download.performrepresentableaccesscheck.readonly (below) is set to false.
representationcontentdownload.performrepresentableaccesscheck. readonly
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Out-of-the-box, allows users with READ access to an EPMDocument to be able to view a drawing in Creo View.
Description: Users with READ access to the representable have download access to the representation content. However, when this property is set to false, the user needs both READ and DOWNLOAD access to the representable in order to have access to the representationcontent.
When the Representation Content Download Access Delegate is configured to perform an access check on the Representable, perform a READ only check on the Representable; otherwise, perform a READ and DOWNLOAD check. This property value is ignored if representationcontentdownload.performrepresentableaccesscheck (above) is set to false.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: When set to true, the Representation Content Download Access Delegate checks access on the Representation for all download requests for its content.
Description: When this property is set to false, this access check is ignored for thumbnail downloads. This can improve performance.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Internal name for a schedule job definition.
Description: Specifies the internal name for a schedule job definition. All other entries for this job definition will use this name as the prefix on the property name.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Display name for the schedule job definition.
Description: Specifies the display name for the schedule job definition.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Should this schedule job be available for specific contexts (for example, a Product).
Description: The queries in the schedule job should be written appropriately in this option to be set to true.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Java class for the schedule job definition.
Description: Specifies the Java class for the schedule job definition.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Java method for the schedule job definition.
Description: Specifies the Java method for the schedule job definition.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: User name used by scheduler.
Description: Specifies the user name used by scheduler. If no user name is specified, schedule queue jobs will be executed as the user who submitted them.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Enables the display of job times..
Description: Enables the displays of Job Submitted Time, Job Start Time, and Job End Time columns.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Enables a graduated background in thumbnail images.
Description: While the thumbnail generator does not produce a graduated background in images, gradation can be added in the loader when there is a 2D and 3D thumbnail.When the thumbnail generator has this capability, this property should be set to “False”.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Flag to enable thumbnail generation by a worker.
Description: Flag to enable thumbnail generation by a worker. The worker itself must also be configured to generate thumbnails, or this setting will have no effect.
Default Value: 3600
Synopsis: Timeout in seconds.
Description: Sets the timeout in seconds for thumbnail generation when using the cadagent and a remote thumbnail worker.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Flags to enable thumbnail image generation.
Description: Enables the generation of thumbnail images that are displayed on listings and property pages. The default thumbnail generation method uses Java3D, hence this must be installed on the Windchill Server machine.
Default Value: 800
Synopsis: Maximum number of files for thumbnail generation.
Description: Sets a limit on the size of an assembly (by the number of referenced files) that will have a thumbnail image generated. This can be used to control server resources.
Default Value: 255,255,255
Synopsis: Sets the image background color for thumbnail generator.
Description: Specifies the image background color to be created by the thumbnail generator. The three numbers represent red, green, and blue in the range 0 to 255.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Enables extents generation for thumbnail generator.
Description: Specifies that the thumbnail generator should compute the bounding box for each OL file that is processed. The bounding box is stored in the PVS file, and is used by Creo View for proximity search and file loading optimization.
Default Value: 192
Synopsis: Sets the image height for thumbnail generator.
Description: Specifies the image height to be created by the thumbnail generator.
Default Value: set by the Creo View Client DVD installer.
Synopsis: Executes the native thumbnail generator.
Description: Specifies the command to execute the native thumbnail generator, which creates 2D thumbnail images and 3D thumbnail files. The value of this property is set by the Creo View Client DVD installer.
Default Value: -60
Synopsis: Sets image X axis rotation for thumbnail generator.
Description: Specifies the image X axis rotation in degrees.
Default Value: -25
Synopsis: Sets image Y axis rotation for thumbnail generator.
Description: Specifies the image Y axis rotation in degrees.
Default Value: -10
Synopsis: Sets image Z axis rotation for thumbnail generator.
Description: Specifies the image Z axis rotation in degrees.
Default Value: 288
Synopsis: Sets the image width for thumbnail generator.
Description: Specifies the image width to be created by the thumbnail generator.
Default Value: 1.2
Synopsis: Sets image zoom factor for Java thumbnail generator. This is not used if the native thumbnail generator is installed.
Description: Specifies the image zoom factor, allowing the object to be made larger or smaller in the thumbnail image.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Set to true if thumbnail generation is performed on a remote system.
Description: Executes thumbnail generation via the CadAgent by configuring a worker type THUMBNAIL and using the GenericWorker. In most cases this is not required, but if the Windchill server is not capable of running the thumbnail generator, this does allow a remote machine to be used to execute the actual thumbnail generation process.
Using this method is less efficient than executing directly.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Maps Windchill file type to Creo View viewer type.
Description: Maps Windchill file type to Creo View viewer type. Windchill file type (the DataFormat name) specified here should have any spaces removed. Additional entries of this form can be added for any file types (for example, viewer.gifImage=image).
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Enables the use of the Creo View plug-in when using the Visualization tab. This is the mechanism used earlier than Windchill 11 M030.
Description: By default, the Visualization tab opens with the usage of the Creo View plug-in for Internet Explorer.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Enables the use of the Creo View plug-in when using the Visualization tab. This is the mechanism used earlier than Windchill 11 M030.
Description: By default, the Visualization tab opens without the usage of the Creo View plug-in for Firefox.
Default Value: 1000 MB
Synopsis: Sets the cache size (in MB) for the WebGL session in the Visualization tab
Description: A value of zero or less will disable the use of the cache.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Maps file extension to Creo View viewer type.
Description: Maps file extension to Creo View viewer type. Note that the file extension includes the dot, and should be specified in upper case. There is an alternative technique for associating a file with a specific file viewer, using the DataFormat name. Additional entries of this form can be added for other file extensions (for example, viewer.HPGL=drawing).
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Allows representation deletion.
Description: Provides the ability for a user to delete a representation from the user interface. If true, all users can delete representations from the user interface; if false, no users can delete representations from the user interface. If admin, only administrators (system, project, or product administrators) can delete representations from the user interface.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Defines the filter method to be invoked when performing a UI delete of a representation. This method is invoked to allow or disallow deletion of the object.
Description: The property value for the filter method is specified in the form classname/methodname with the following signature:
public static Boolean methodname(Persistable d, Representation rep)
where d is the object the Representation is associated to (i.e., the Representable).
A return of Boolean.TRUE indicates that the representation can be deleted from the UI; a return of Boolean.FALSE indicates that it cannot be deleted.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Allows default representation selection.
Description: Provides the ability for a user to change the default representation from the user interface. If true, all users can change the default representation from the user interface; if false, no users can change the default representation from the user interface. If admin, only administrators (system, project, or product administrators) can change the default representation from the user interface.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Allows publishing from the user interface by object type.
Description: Provides the ability for a user to publish from the create default representation button and the New Representation on a type basis. The value can be set for each of the commands separately, for example, webpage.allowpublish.epmdocument=true/false allows publishing an epmdocument document from create default representation, but not from New Representation.
If a single value is entered, it applies to both publish options. One of the three following values can be set:
True—enables all users to publish the specified type.
False—no users can publish the type.
Admin—only administrators (system, project, or product administrators) can publish.
These settings affect only the UI, and not the ability to publish via listener (such as checkin) or a schedule job; but being in the prohibition list prohibits such actions.
A Design Context is an EPMDocument, and so if publishing is not allowed for an EPMDocument, it is also prohibited for a Design Context.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Defines the filter method to be invoked when UI actions are being created for publishing an object. This method is invoked to allow or disallow an object to be published.
Description: The property value for the filter method is specified in the form classname/methodname with the following signature:
public static Boolean methodname(Persistable d, Representation rep)
where d is the object being published.
A return of Boolean.TRUE indicates that object UI publish actions are enabled; a return of Boolean.FALSE indicates that object UI publish actions are disabled.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Defines the filter method to be invoked when UI actions are being created for republishing an object. This method is invoked to allow or disallow an object to be republished.
Description: The property value for the filter method is specified in the form classname/methodname with the following signature:
public static Boolean methodname(Persistable d, Representation rep)
where d is the object being republished.
A return of Boolean.TRUE indicates that object UI republish actions are enabled; a return of Boolean.FALSE indicates that object UI republish actions are disabled.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Defines the filter method to be invoked when UI actions are being created for republishing an object. This method is invoked to allow or disallow an object to be republished when the representation has markups associated with it.
Description: The property value for the filter method is specified in the form classname/methodname with the following signature:
public static Boolean methodname(Persistable d, Representation rep)
where d is the object being republished.
A return of Boolean.TRUE indicates that object UI republish actions are enabled; a return of Boolean.FALSE indicates that object UI republish actions are disabled.
Synopsis: An exclusion list of file types that do not show up as available content links in the list of representation file extension types.
Description: This property acts as an exclusion list of file types that will not show up as available content links out-of-the-box. This property always overrides the values specified in the “List Representation File Extension Types” preference.
The out-of-the-box value is OL PVS PVP PVM PVT PVA THUMBNAIL THUMBNAIL_SMALL. This is a space-delimited list.
The special value ALL disables the action, and prevents any content links from being available.
Default Value: 21
Synopsis: Sets the default query type for WVS portal; used only in Windchill.
Description: Specifies default query type for the WVS portal page. The types supported are: 21 = WTParts, 22 = WTDocuments, 49 = EPMDocuments, 55=ProductInstances, 111=ProductConfigurations.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Displays thumbnail for ProductInstance and ProductConfiguration.
Description: For the view link for ProductInstance and ProductConfiguration, displays the thumbnail image. This gives only an approximate rendition.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Displays thumbnail viewer for 2D thumbnails.
Description: On the Representations listing page, displays the thumbnail viewer popup icon when there is only a 2D thumbnail (that is, no 3D thumbnail); otherwise, there must be a 3D thumbnail and the thumbnail view must be installed on the server.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Displays warning when viewing an out of date representation.
Description: Displays warning when viewing a representation that has be marked as out of date.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Set the long listing default for WVS portal.
Description: Specifies default for the Long List setting on the WVS portal.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Enables the creation and storing of markups from Creo View.
Description: Enables the creation and storing of markups from Creo View.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Enables display of the part structure view option.
Description: Allows part structures to be viewed from the WVS portal and the Product Structure web page, without the publishing of CAD data and the creation of a representation.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Adds (with add from collection) annotations and groups with a representation.
Description: Allows any associated annotation and groups to also be added, when a representation is added from the collection.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Sets the delete display for WVS portal.
Description: Specifies the display of a delete option on the WVS portal.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Enables the add to collection and add from collection facilities to allow representations and/or markups to be copied.
Description: Enables additional “add to collection” and “add from collection” facilities on the Representations, Annotation and Groups, and Visualization Collection pages.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Display publish link for documents with publishable files.
Description: For a document with publishable files (that is, worker mapping defined with a "" property) displays the publish link when there is no default representation. The default publish link publishes the first publishable file on the document.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Display link to representation or markup page for documents.
Description: For a document with no representations and no markups and no displayed publish link, displays the link to either a markups page or a representations page.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Displays a representation link for a part.
Description: When a part displays the part structure link and has no markups, displays the link to the representation listing. If false, displays the link to the markups listing.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Displays the save representation action.
Description: Displays the save representation action in the representation listing. This allows you to save the representation as a local ZIP or JAR file or a link to view the representation to be saved (to include in an email, for example).
Default Value: True
Synopsis: When set to True, displays the structure view link for a CAD Document with no representations.
Description: A structure view link for a CAD Document with no representations is displayed when enabled; if a structure view link is not shown, a disabled icon will be shown.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: When set to True, allows viewing of a structure view when publishing the object is not permitted.
Description: When set to True, allows viewing of a structure view when publishing the object is not permitted.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Displays view default structure link for a part.
Description: When a part has no default representation and no associated EPMDocument, displays the view default structure link.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Sets the thumbnail display default for WVS portal.
Description: Specifies default for the display of thumbnails on the WVS portal. Individual users can set their preference for thumbnail display from preference settings.
Synopsis: Specifies whether data should or should not be navigable when a 3D view is shown in the Thumbnail Navigator. When set to True, the data is navigable; when set to False, the data is not.
Description: Navigable in this sense it means that the scene is formed from the thumbnail of the dependents, and a mouse over of those dependents highlights the graphics and the child in the “Uses” section. For non-navigable types, the 3D scene is formed from the thumbnail of the assembly, and there is no highlighting. For example, for a WTPart structure, if it is navigable, the child thumbnail will be shown; if it is not navigable, the parent's thumbnail will be shown. If the parent does not have a representation, there are no graphics. For WTPartAlternateRep (Design Context) the above applies, but depending on the rules used, the child thumbnails may appear differently from the way that the WTPartAlternateRep actually looks. If the latter is a concern, the value should be set to False.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Provides user interface debug information.
Description: Provides user interface debug information.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Maps Windchill file type to a worker type.
Description: Maps Windchill file type to a worker type. A worker of this type should have been configured in the agent.ini file (for example, worker.VRML=VRML).
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Maps file extension to a worker type.
Description: Maps file extension to a worker type. Note that the file extension includes the dot, and should be specified in upper case. There is an alternative technique for associating a file with a specific file viewer, using the DataFormat name. A worker of this type should have been configured in the agent.ini file (for example, worker.IGES=IGES).
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Creates job audit information for each WVS job.
Description: Creates job audit information for each type of WVS job, such as Print, Publish, and Interference Detection. Each WVS processing job performed by the system will have an audit entry, which can be queried to provide reports by using WVS Job Statistics. Administrators can access WVS Job Statistics through the WVS Job Monitor.
Default Value: $(wt.home)\\loadFiles\\wvs\\
Synopsis: Directory where WVS demo data is located.
Description: Specifies the location of the WVS demo data. This is referenced only in the WVS demo data ini files. A file delimiter is required at the end of the entry.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Character encoding for communication to server.
Description: Specifies the character encoding used by the servlet engine.
Default Value: N/A
Synopsis: Character encoding for reading PVS files.
Description: Specifies the default encoding to use for reading PVS files. If none specified, then the system uses the default character encoding of the server. See also edrload.encoding.
Default Value: False
Synopsis: Used to write single precision orientation.
Description: This property enables writing single precision orientation into PVS, PVM and PVP files.
Default Value: UTF-8
Synopsis: The character encoding used for the Creo View ETB file.
Description: The character encoding used for the Creo View ETB file.
Default Value: 1300
Synopsis: Downgrade of PVS contents of the mentioned release.
Description: This property is used to enable the downgrade of the PVS file of the mentioned release.
Default Value: 50,000
Synopsis: Specifies the maximum number of WVS jobs that will be queried from the database for display in the WVS Job Monitor.
Description: This property is used to limit memory usage when querying WVS jobs, in order to prevent sites with large numbers of WVS jobs from crashing the method server with OutOfMemoryException errors when launching the WVS Job Monitor. The limit must be a positive integer. If the global wt.pom.queryLimit property is also specified, the smaller value is used. The property default of 50,000 will apply if (1) neither value is specified, (2) if both values are 0 or negative integers, or (3) if the specifiedvalues are not integers.
Default Value: True
Synopsis: Controls the lighting in Creo View plugin in Windchill.
Description: This property is used to control the lighting in Creo View plugin in Windchill. When set to True, it turns the lighting on in Creo View plugin in Windchill. You can revert to the original setting of the lighting in WebGL by setting this property to False.
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