Update the Solr Schema for Cloud Mode (Optional)
To update the Solr schema, complete the following steps:
1. Navigate to <INDEX_SEARCH_HOME>/solr_schemas and make the required updates.
2. Navigate to <INDEX_SEARCH_HOME>/solr/server/scripts/cloud-scripts and execute the following command to upload the updated schema to Zookeeper:
zkcli.bat -cmd upconfig -confname <configset name> -z <comma-separated list of Zookeeper hostname:port entries> -confdir <path to schema_config>
zkcli.sh -cmd upconfig -confname <configset name> -z <comma-separated list of Zookeeper hostname:port entries> -confdir <path to schema_config>
For example:
zkcli.bat -cmd upconfig -confname wblib -z host1.ptcnet.ptc.com:2181,host2.ptcnet.ptc.com:2182,host3.ptcnet.ptc.com:2183 -confdir <INDEX_SEARCH_HOME>\solr_schemas\wblib\conf
sh zkcli.sh -cmd upconfig -confname wblib -z host1.ptcnet.ptc.com:2181,host2.ptcnet.ptc.com:2182,host3.ptcnet.ptc.com:2183 -confdir <INDEX_SEARCH_HOME>\solr_schemas\wblib\conf
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