Creating a Co-produce Object
Perform the following steps to create a co-produce object:
1. In the upstream or downstream structure pane, select one or more parts or Made From Sets that form the primary and secondary parts of the co-produce object.
Ensure that all selected parts contain either Made From Sets or Made From parts. If one of the selected parts contains a Made From Set and the other selected part contains a part usage, the co-produce object will not be created. Also, the selection cannot contain more than one Made From Set from under the same finished part.
2. From the Editing tool bar action, select New Co-produce.
A New Co-produce dialog box opens.
3. In the Plant list, select the plant for which you want to create the co-produce object.
You can create multiple co-produce objects within the same plant. But same co-produce object cannot be reused in multiple plants.
Plants are populated in the Plant list based on the views specified in the List of Applicable Views preference. If this preference is not set, the List of Plant-Specific Views preference is considered.
4. Select the type of the co-produce object to be created.
The Co-produce Attributes section is rendered based on the selected type.
5. Update the CAGE code, if required.
The CAGE code is displayed only if the Expose Organization preference is set to Yes.
6. In the Primary list, select the part that should be the primary part for your co-produce object.
The other parts displayed in the list become the secondary parts for the co-produce object.
If you wish to create a co-produce object with parts under different structures, select a single part and create the co-produce object. This part becomes the primary part. Then, add secondary parts to this co-produce object using the Co-produce table. For more information, see Made From Tab.
7. Specify the location where you want to save the co-produce object.
You can modify the folder path for the co-produce object but not the context under which it is saved.
8. If your site has security labels enabled, you will see the Set Security Labels step. For more information about setting security labels, see Setting Security Labels while Creating an Object.
9. Click OK.
The co-produce object is created with the following identity:
(Alternate Number, Plant View Name), Primary Part Name, Primary Part Number, Version(View of Co-produce Object)
For example: (003, Design), Component1, 0000000019, A.1(Design)
The visibility of the co-produce object depends upon the configuration set for Made From in the Manufacturing Part Structure Related Information preference. For more information, see Preferences in MPMLink.
Irrespective of the preference settings, you can view the co-produce object by right-clicking the primary part in the structure and selecting Show/Hide Specific Information > Show All or Show/Hide Specific Information > Made From.
The Show/Hide Specific Information action is also available in the Viewing toolbar menu. After selecting the action, in the Show/Hide Related Information dialog box, select Made From and click OK.
You need to perform this action on the co-produce object as well to view its structure.
The primary and secondary part structures are merged to form the co-produce object structure based on the navigation criteria applied in the BOM Transformer. The primary and secondary parts are shown with the icons and , respectively.
The Co-produce table in the Made From tab in the BOM Transformer displays the primary and secondary parts along with their Made From part usages. For more information on the Co-produce table, see Made From Tab.
A plant data object is created for the selected plant based on the view to plant data mapping specified in the preference Views with Specific Plant Data. The object is not created if the preference is not set. If required, you can manually create the plant data object later with the same view as that of the co-produce object. To do so, right-click the co-produce object and select Assign Plant.
The co-produce structure is also displayed in the Tree Picker in the Process Plan Browser.
A co-produce object cannot exist as a standalone object because it is not reusable. You must create it in the context of a primary part.
If a coproduce object is removed from the BOM structure, the associated primary co-produce link is automatically deleted.
If a co-produce object is created using a checked-out primary part revision, the primary co-produce link is deleted if the checkout action is undone. In this case, you must manually delete the co-produce object.
If a secondary part is added to a checked-out co-produce object revision, the secondary co-produce link is deleted if the checkout action is undone.
A co-produce object is automatically checked-out when you add or remove a secondary part under it, update the attributes of secondary co-produce link or co-produce usages, or regenerate the co-produce structure.
A Made From Set is automatically checked-out when you add or remove a Made From part under it, replace a Made From part with another Made From part, or update the attributes of Made From links under it.
In the above scenarios, if a co-produce or Made From Set object is checked-out by another user, you cannot update these objects.
When the Track “Made From” History Through Change Notice preference is set to Yes, you must provide a valid change notice or change task number when creating or removing a co-produce object. A new manufacturing history object is created for the event. However, these events are not displayed in the Manufacturing History table.
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