Text Tailoring Utility
The Text Tailoring utility allows you to customize text used in user interfaces such as messages and labels for business needs. The text can also be localized in any language installed in the system. Out-of-the-box, this text is organized in resource bundles.
To access this panel, click Text Tailoring in the left navigation pane of the Text Tailoring utility. A single organizer named Text Collection is present under the Root organizer. Initially, this organizer is empty. When you start customizing text, a string organizer is created for each customized resource bundle and added to the Text Collection organizer.
Actions to customize the UI text are available in the following places:
Right-click actions menu of the organizers in the left navigation pane.
Information page of the organizers.
For information on customizing the UI text, see Selecting Text for Initial Customization, Customizing UI Strings.
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