與其他應用程式整合 > Windchill Workgroup Manager 文件集 > Creo Elements/Direct Modeling > PDM Actions > Use Windchill WTPart product structure for BOM Tables and Position Flags on Annotation drawings
Use Windchill WTPart product structure for BOM Tables and Position Flags on Annotation drawings
You can transfer a WTPart (Windchill part) Bill of Material (BOM) Report directly to a Creo Elements/Direct Modeling session that is connected to Windchill Workgroup Manager. You can then use the WTPart BOM to draw BOM tables or create position flags on Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Annotation drawings.
You can transfer the following BOM Reports to the Modeling Annotation session:
Single-Level BOM
Single-Level BOM with Notes
Multi-Level BOM
Multi-Level BOM with Replacements
The Annotation module has sample BOM Table layouts (WGM-DIN, WGM-ISO, WGM-Custom) that you can customize. You can also customize the list of Windchill BOM attributes that are available for text reference assignment. For more information about customization, see Customizing Windchill BOM Attributes for Text Reference Assignment.
You need an assembly with WTParts. Use custom check in with the Auto Associate Parts to CAD Documents option to associate the WTParts to the corresponding CAD models in Creo Elements/Direct Modeling. For more information, see Custom Check In.
Transferring a WTPart BOM to a Modeling Annotation session
You must first generate a BOM Report for a WTPart structure and then export it to Annotation.
To generate and then transfer a WTPart BOM Report to a Modeling Annotation session, perform the following steps:
1. In the Windchill Workgroup Manager workspace or Windchill Cabinets (server or commonspace) embedded browser, in the Actions column, click the information icon for a WTPart ( assembly or part).
a. Click the information icon for a CAD assembly or part. The information page appears.
b. On the Related Objects tab, click for the corresponding WTPart.
The information page, which displays the assembly details, structure, related objects, change history, and other information for the WTPart, appears.
On the Uses tab, the table must have the following three columns:
Line Number
If the active view does not include the Line Number column by default, add the column to the table using the Manage Table Views command. For information on how to view table columns, see Creating and Editing new Table Views.
2. You can create either a single-level or multi-level report by performing one of the following actions:
On the information page, on the Structure tab, in the Reports action set,
Click Reports > Single-Level BOM.
Click Reports > Single-Level BOM with Notes.
Click Reports > Multi-Level BOM.
Click Reports > Multi-Level BOM with Replacements.
The Single-Level or Multi-Level Bill of Materials Report is generated.
3. To transfer the BOM to Annotation, on the Bill of Materials Report page, click Actions > Export List to Creo Elements/Direct Modeling. The Current BOM table appears in the active Modeling Annotation session and contains the BOM information sent from Windchill.
Assemblies with multi-owner links are not supported for BOM transfer. Assemblies must have owner association to their parts.
If Annotation is not active in the connected Modeling session, a message appears.
After you generate and export the BOM report to Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Annotation, you can draw the BOM table sketch or create position flags.
By default, the reference designator column is included in the view with which BOM report is exported from Windchill.
When a WTPart is added manually, a unique name for the reference designator must be added in the parent assembly structure and must not be renamed after the part structure is built.
The preference values for these reference designators must be unique — Separator Character, Range Character, Begin Escape Character, and the End Escape Character.
Exporting of the BOM report generates error if component names contain characters that are also the values of the Windchill preference Reference Designator Range Character or Reference Designator Separator Character. If you continue working by ignoring the error, geometry highlighting will not work.
Drawing a BOM table sketch
To draw the BOM table sketch in Annotation, perform the following steps:
1. On the Insert tab, in the BOM group, click Draw. The Draw BOM window appears.
2. In the Act. Layout list select one of the following sample BOM Table layouts:
3. Click Draw. The BOM table follows the cursor.
4. Click somewhere in the viewport (graphics area) to place the BOM table sketch. The BOM table sketch displays some standard columns, but you can customize the layout.
The Pos column in BOM table sketch corresponds to the Line Number column in Current BOM table.
For more information on how to draw BOM tables, in the Creo Elements/Direct Modeling help, see Draw a BOM table.
Creating position flags in Annotation
You can create position flags to identify the geometrical elements corresponding to a selected WTPart.
To create a position flag, perform the following steps:
1. Click the arrow next to Pos Flags and then click BOM Flag create. The Create Flag window appears.
2. In the From list, select Table. The Current BOM Table appears.
3. In the Current BOM Table, double-click a WTPart or select a WTPart and click Apply. The corresponding geometrical elements are highlighted in the Annotation viewport.
While assigning position flags numbers for parts that are at same position, only one is highlighted.
In multi-level BOM, there is no differentiation in highlighting between intermediate nodes and parts either from the table or the geometry.
4. Select a highlighted geometrical element, move the cursor, and click to place the position flag. The Current BOM Table reappears.
Highlighting of geometrical elements is not supported for:
Non-CAD and CAD driven WTPart that is manually included.
Sub-assemblies and parts that use geometry options.
5. The Create Flag window displays the flag number of the position flag in the Flag Numb. box. The position flag is also displayed in the viewport. Zoom in to properly view the position flag value.
6. Click to complete the operation.
After creating the position flags, if you update the Line Number value of a part in the Windchill Workgroup Manager and then export the BOM report, the corresponding value of the position flag changes in the Annotation drawing.
Here are two examples showing position flag number assignment to WTParts.
Position flag number assignment for manually added Wtparts having same WTPart Name
Position flag number assignment for WTParts with same Name
For more information on how to create and attach position flags, in the Creo Elements/Direct Modeling help, see Create position flags.
Shared instances of a part across different parents can have different position flags (selected using table) assigned for same part geometry.
Assigning position flag numbers for geometry under a container is not supported.
If you change the WTPart number (in the Number column) in the product structure BOM, in your Windchill Workgroup Manager workspace, click Tools > Synchronize and reload the assembly.
To create BOM position flags, use only Table option in the Create Flag window. The Geometry option is not supported for creating position flags.