Adding Content to a Publication Structure from the Information Structure Tab
The Information Structure tab on the publication structure information page’s Structure tab enables you to insert content from an information structure into a publication structure.
The Insert into Publication Structure action set on the Information Structure tab toolbar enables you to insert content from the information structure into the publication structure. Follow these steps to insert content from the Information Structure tab:
1. Open the Structure tab on the information page for the publication structure on which you want to work.
For more information about the Structure tab, see Service Structure Editing.
2. In the Publication Structure pane, locate where you want to add content and click on the object.
3. On the Information Structure pane, locate the content you want to insert in the publication structure and select it.
You can select multiple content objects by using CTRL+click. Note that an information structure can contain many types of content, but only information groups, textual information elements, and parts list information elements can be inserted into a publication structure.
4. Click on the action in Insert into Publication Structure that corresponds to the location where you want to insert the selected content.
You can use the Insert Before and Insert After actions to insert the selected content before or after the object selected in the publication structure. If the object selected in the publication structure is another publication structure or a publication section, then you can also use the Insert as First Child and Insert as Last Child actions. These actions enable you to insert the content as the first or last object in the hierarchy of the selected object in the publication structure.
When you choose an insertion action, the selected content in the information structure is inserted at the selected spot in the publication structure.
You can also drag and drop information groups and textual and parts list information elements from the information structure to the publication structure. For more information, see Rearranging Service Structure Objects.
For more general information about information structures, see About Information Structures. For more information about the Information Structure tab, see Information Structure Tab of the Publication Structure.
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