Service Group or Section Information Page
The information page for an information group or a publication section provides tools for managing the collection of information associated with the group or section. The page has menu actions and tabs for managing this information. Service groups or sections enable you to group content. A group or section can have content associated with it, or it can just provide a level of hierarchy in the structure. On the Actions menu, you can perform a variety of actions on the group or section. You can also publish a representation of just a publication section.
Administrators can modify the tabs that are viewable to you.
You can access the information page in two ways:
Clicking on the name of the information group or the publication section or the information icon next to the object in a table.
Right-clicking on an information group or a publication section in a table or in a structure and selecting View Information from the menu.
From the information page, you can do the following things with an information group or a publication section:
Perform actions on the object
View and edit the object’s attributes
View Where Used information
View and assign option choices
Develop and modify the object’s structure
Publish and view a representation of a publication section’s structure
The following tabs are available on the information page:
The Details tab contains details such as a visualization image of the object, the status and attributes, any applicability information, and a Where Used table where you can view any higher level objects that include the group or section in their structures.
The Structure tab displays the hierarchy and content of the group or section. For information on the Structure tab, refer to Service Structure Editing.
Displayed for publication sections. The Representations tab contains a table displaying published representations and annotations of the publication section. You can also monitor a publishing job and create a new representation from this tab. This tab can be activated for other structures and components by creating a new tab and customizing the view.
Displays the Associated Changes table containing change related objects, such as Change Requests and Change Notices. For more information, see Associated Changes Table.
You can customize the tabs that appear on each information page to display the information most useful to you. For more information, see Customizing Information Page Tabs.
Actions Menu
Information pages contain a list of menu actions available from the upper left area of the page. See Actions Common Among Objects for a list of actions available in Windchill. The availability of these actions depends on the status of the group or section, as well as your access to it. For more information about status indicators, see Object Status.
The following actions are of particular interest:
Open in
Enables you to open the selected object in another application. The following choices are available, depending on your selected object. The following choices are available, depending on your selected object:
Open in — Launches the default representation in Creo View. If there is no default representation, Creo View opens with no representation.
Open in Information Structure Editor or Open in Publication Structure Editor — Opens the group or section in the Structure tab.
Open All Topics in Arbortext Editor — Opens topics associated with the currently selected portion of the group or section as a temporary document in Arbortext Editor.
Check In
Checks in the selected object. This action is available only if you have permission to update the object, and it is currently checked out.
When an object is checked in, this action is disabled, and the Check Out action is enabled.
For more information on the check in action, see Checking In an Object.
Check Out
Checks out the selected object. This action is available only if you have permission to update a group or section, and it is currently checked in.
When an object is checked out, this action is disabled and the Check In and Undo Check Out actions are enabled.
For more information on the check out action, see Checking Out an Object.
Undo Checkout
Releases the reservation on a checked out object without saving any changes. No new iteration is created.
You can only undo the checkout of an object that you have previously checked out.
For more information on the undo checkout action, see Undoing a Checkout.
Edit Attributes
Opens the Edit Attributes window. From this window you can edit the attributes of the selected object. Editing the attributes changes these values for the current iteration of the object only. For more information, refer to Edit Attributes.
Assign Expression
Opens an options selection window. From this window you can assign options to the object, either by selecting them from a drop-down list (basic expression) or by creating options statements based on AND and OR expressions (advanced expression).
For information on assigning options choices to objects, see Assigning Choices to Service Structure Objects.
For information on using advanced expressions, and the preference settings that control how the option selection window appears, see Defining Options with Advanced Expressions.
This choice is only available when the object is checked out and an option set has been assigned to the product enabling assigning of choices to items. For more information, see Options and Choices.
Opens the Revise window, in which you can create a revision of the structure.
For more information on using this window, see Revising an Object.
Use the buttons in the window to collect any objects that are related to the structure and include them in the Revise action.
For more information on collecting related objects, see Collecting in Advanced Mode.
This action is only available for a checked in object.
The following actions are available in the drop-down menu:
New Change Request. For information, see Creating a Change Request.
New Problem Report. For information, see Creating a Problem Report.
New Promotion Request. For information, see Creating a Promotion Request.
Copies the selected object to the clipboard.
Use the > Quick Links > Clipboard menu option to view the clipboard.
Refer to About the Clipboard for information.
This action is only available for a checked in object.
Save As
Opens the Commonspace Save As window, enabling you to create a new publication section based on the selected one.
You can include dependent objects in the Save As table by changing the selection in the Dependents drop-down list to All. However, this does not include the objects associated with content holders in the table. To include those objects, select the content holders in the table and click on the toolbar to collect related CAD / Dynamic documents related to content holders to the table.
Rename – Rename all versions of a selected object.
When auto-numbering is turned off or when it can be overridden, this allows you to renumber the object.
For more information, see Renaming an Object.
Opens the Move window, which enables you to move an object to a new location in a product or library.
For more information on using this window, see Moving an Object.
Use the buttons in the window to collect any objects that are related to the structure and include them in the Move action.
For more information on collecting related objects, see Collecting in Advanced Mode.
Set State
Opens the Set State window, enabling you to set the lifecycle state of an object.
For more information, see Setting the State of an Object.
Opens the Delete window, which enables you to delete an object and its iterations and revisions.
For more information, see Deleting an Object.
Publish Representation
Opens the Publish Representation window, enabling publishing. This menu choice is only available for publication sections. Published representations appear in the Representations tab.
For more information, see Publishing from a Service Structure.
Add to
Provides a submenu of the following actions:
Add to Baseline — Opens the Add to Baseline window, enabling you to add the most recent version of the object to a baseline. You can add one or more selected objects plus collected objects to an existing baseline or a new baseline you create. For more information, see Adding Objects to a Baseline.
Add to Managed Collection — Opens the Add to Managed Collection window, enabling you to add the object to a managed collection. For more information, see Add to Managed Collection.
Add to My Notebook — Opens the Add to My Notebook window, enabling you to add the object to your notebook in the folder location you select. Linking to Objects from the Notebook.
Add to Package — Opens the Add to Package window, enabling you to add the object to a package. For more information, see Adding Content to a Package.
Add to Project — Opens the Add Objects to a Project window. Then you can share or check out a selected object. You can also share or check out other related objects that have been gathered in a collector. For more information, see Adding Objects to a Project.
If you want to collect all associated content with the objects that you have selected, click Collect related CAD/Dynamic documents to collect related CAD/Dynamic documents.
Provides a submenu enabling you to compare the current selection in the following areas:
Compare Information — Opens the Find Object window to search for a structure to compare against the current structure.
Choose comparison options, and Search. After finding one or more matches in Search Results, you can choose one to compare.Comparison Options confirms your choices. Comparison results are displayed in the Comparison Report window.
For more information on comparing information, see Comparing Object or Version Information.
Compare to Part Structure — Opens the Compare to Part Structure window, where you can choose another group or section to compare. After choosing the structure, you can compare them in the Compare to Part Structure side-by-side comparison window.
For more information on comparing two objects, see Compare to Part Structure.
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