Reordering Parts List Items
You can use two methods to manually rearrange the parts in the structure tree of an existing parts list:
Drag and drop individual parts in the tree
Match the column- or view-based sort order set in the Items tab
Drag and Drop Individual Parts
You can reorder the parts in a parts list using a drag and drop action. In the Parts List Editor, select single or multiple parts (using the CTRL key) in the parts list tree and drag them to the required location. Graphic indicators demonstrate whether the intended location is permitted.
The following guidelines apply to the action:
The hidden attribute Line Number represents the part’s position in the parts list (this is not visible in the Items tab). This attribute is updated for all affected parts, and the parts list reordered, when a part is moved by drag and drop.
The Item Number attribute represents the part’s callout in the illustration associated with the parts list. This attribute is not updated when a part is moved by drag and drop. It must be updated manually if required.
The indenture of the parts list is not updated.
Moving parts above the Parts List root node is not permitted.
Moving the Parts List root node is not permitted.
Match Sort Order Set in Items Tab
You can use the Save as default view for display and publishing button Image of Save as default view for display and publishing button in Items tab toolbar in the Items tab toolbar to pass any view- or column-based sort order that you have set in the Items tab to the parts list structure tree.
1. Use the headings of columns in the Items tab to sort the parts list items in ascending or descending order based on the value of a specific attribute, for example Item Number.
Items with a blank value for the selected column are placed at the bottom of the list, if sorting in ascending order (top of list if in descending order).
2. Sort the items on a secondary value, if required, to include those items that have a blank value for the primary sort attribute.
For example, items with a blank value for Item Number can then be sorted alphabetically by Name. Create a table view for the Items tab that details Item Number as the First Sort column and Name as the Second Sort column.
See Creating and Editing New Table Views for more information.
3. Click the Save as default view for display and publishing button Image of Save as default view for display and publishing button in Items tab toolbar in the Items tab toolbar to replicate the sort order in the parts list structure tree.
4. The specified sort order is passed to the structure tree. You can now verify that attribute values such as Item Number for callouts are present and aligned in the parts list.
The replicated sort order will persist until the next time the action is carried out. It is also reflected in published PDF output of the parts list.
Generating a Sorted Parts List
In addition to these manual methods of sorting an existing parts list, you can also specify that a parts list should be ordered in a specific way when it is generated.
You can define the attribute on a parts list item, for example Quantity, that represents the sorting marker for the items in generated / updated parts lists. The parts list will be ordered by the values of this attribute for its items when it is generated, for example from an sBOM,
The ordering will also apply when the parts list is updated following changes to the source BOM.
Save as default view for display and publishing overrides any settings made for automatic sorting of the parts list.
For more information, see Sort a Parts List by an Attribute Value.
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