Creating Service Publish Rules
In a WVS publish rule XML file, implement the following:
1. Set an authoring application for Windchill Service Information Manager structures:
<authoring-application name="SIS">
2. Define a rule for creating the published output type that specifies a name of a param-set that contains the publishing parameters.
First, define the epm-type and a publish condition.
Then, define the output type, pdf, xmlbundle, or html (publication structures only).
The following example would apply to publishing a PDF from a publication structure:
<epm-type type="com.ptc.sis.PsRoot">
<publish on="create-representation"
param-set="PDF Publishing rules"
output="pdf" />
The following example would apply to a Parts List:
<epm-type type="com.ptc.sis.PartsListRef">
<publish on="create-representation"
param-set="PDF Publishing rules"
output="pdf" />

<structure-type type="typed_based_object">
<publish on="checkin" param-set="Partslist publishing rules"
output="pdf" />
<publish on="create-representation" param-set=
"Partslist publishing rules" output="pdf" />
<publish on="schedule" param-set="Partslist publishing rules"
output="pdf" />
<publish on="manual-post" param-set="Partslist publishing rules"
output="pdf" />
3. Define a param-set that specifies the set of worker and optional post-publish parameters.
The param-set for publishing the publication structure defined in the previous step:
<param-set name="PDF Publishing rules">
<worker name=""></worker>
<worker name="">techinfomap.xsl
<worker name="com.ptc.arbortext.wvs/PreferAdapter">no</worker>
<worker name="com.ptc.arbortext.wvs/IncludeContentMetadata">yes
<post-publish name="delegate">com.ptc.wvs.server.
<post-publish name="name">{EPM_NAME}.{OUTPUT_TYPE}</post-publish>
<post-publish name="folder">Published</post-publish>
<post-publish name="published-content-link">create</post-publish>
The param-set for publishing the parts list defined in the previous step:
<param-set name="Partslist publishing rules">
<worker name=""></worker>
<worker name="">
<worker name="com.ptc.arbortext.wvs/PreferAdapter">no</worker>
<worker name="com.ptc.arbortext.wvs/IncludeContentMetadata">yes</worker>
<post-publish name="delegate">com.ptc.wvs.server.
<post-publish name="name">DOC_{EPM_NAME}-{EPM_NUMBER}</post-publish>
<post-publish name="published-content-link">create</post-publish>
For information on the worker parameters, refer to Service Worker Parameters. For information on post-publish delegates, refer to the Post-Publishing section of the Windchill Visualization Services Administrator's Guide (Руководство администратора по Windchill Visualization Services).
The following table displays the list of epm-type types that are used:
Default Type
Publication Structure
Publication structure root.
Publication Section
Divisions or sections in a publication structure.
Information Structure
Information structure root.
Content Holder
Generic reference to content file.
Parts List Holder
Reference to Part List.
Textual Content Holder
Reference to a Dynamic Document (XML, PDF, text, and so on).
Dynamic Document
Arbortext Dynamic Document.
Be sure to review the sample publishing rules file distributed with Windchill Service Information Manager for many more examples of publishing rules:
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