Publishing a Parts List
From a parts list, you can publish a representation, which can then be saved in Windchill. A parts list can be published directly from:
the Parts List Editor page
the Parts List Information Element in the Folder view
a Parts List Information Element Content Holder in a publication structure
For information on publishing output support, refer to Service Publishing Setup and Service Publishing Process.
For more information on parts lists, refer to About Windchill Service Parts.
Publishing a Parts List from the Publication Structure
1. Expand the product and open the Publication Structure folder.
2. On the Publication Structure page, choose a publication structure from the list and open it.
3. On the Publication Structure information page, choose the Structure tab.
4. Find a Parts List Information Element Content Holder Parts List Information Element content holder icon and select it.
5. From the Actions menu, choose Representation icon Publish Representation. The Publish Representation window opens.
6. In the Publish Representation window, provide the following:
Optionally, enter a name for the representation. You can enter up to 60 characters. If you do not enter a name, the name default is used.
Optionally, enter a description for the representation. You can enter up to 4000 characters.
Publishing Rule
Select a publishing rule from the list to use when publishing the representation.
Set as Default
Check this check box if you want this to be the default representation for the structure.
7. Click Submit Publish Job to close the window and publish the representation.
Publishing from the Parts List Editor Page
1. Expand the product and open the Publication Structure folder.
2. On the Publication Structure page, choose a publication structure from the list and open it.
3. On the Publication Structure page, choose the Structure tab.
4. Find a Parts List Holder Parts List content holder icon and select it.
5. On the toolbar under Tools, expand the Open in icon Open in menu and choose Open Content in Parts List Editor.
6. On the Parts List page, right click to display the context menu and choose Representation icon Publish Representation. The New Representation window opens.
7. In the Definition step, enter the name and description of the representation.
Choose one of the following representation types:
Parts List Structure — Creates a PVZ representation of the parts list. Check Set as Default if you would like this to be the default representation that displays in the Details tab.
Published Parts List — Creates an output representation of the parts list based on the rule specified with Publishing Rule. If your Administrator has not set up publishing rules, PDF is chosen by default.
8. When you are finished, click Submit Publish Job. A confirmation message displays stating that the job was submitted.
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