Running the UpdateSecurityLabels Command Line Utility
Before you can run the UpdateSecurityLabels command line utility, you must create an input file with the object identifiers and new security label settings for all objects that you want to update. For more information, see UpdateSecurityLabels Command Line Utility Input File Requirements.
The following parameters are available for the UpdateSecurityLabels command line utility:
Determines if the security label value changes are applied to only the specified object, or to all versions of the specified object. The parameter only applies to objects that can be iterated.
For example, a part with version B.1 is included in the input file. If the -allVersions parameter is included when running the utility, the security label values for all iterations of revision A as well as version B.1 of the specified part are updated to the values indicated in the input file.
Establishes the number of objects processed in a single transaction. If this parameter is not specified, the value is taken from the wt.access.UpdateSecurityLabels.chunkSize property. For more information, see Configuration for Running the UpdateSecurityLabels Command Line Utility.
Path to the input file.
The password of the user running the utility. If this parameter is not specified, user log-on information is requested when running the utility.
The user running the utility. If this parameter is not specified, user log-on information is requested when running the utility. Only users authorized by the wt.access.UpdateSecurityLabels.authorizedParticipant property are able to run the utility. For more information, see Configuration for Running the UpdateSecurityLabels Command Line Utility.
Displays help text for the utility. The help text lists full descriptions of each option as well as the syntax for running the utility.
To run the utility, open a windchill shell and specify the following command with any combination of the parameters listed in the table:
java wt.access.UpdateSecurityLabels -inputFilePath="<file path>" -user=<user name>
-password=<password> -chunkSize=<number> -allVersions
<file path> is the path to the input file
<user name> is the user name of the user running the utility
<password> is the password of the user running the utility
<number> is the number of objects to process before starting a new transaction
For example, the following command would update only the specified objects in the objectSLUpdate.xlsx input file:
java wt.access.UpdateSecurityLabels -inputFilePath=
"D:\Windchill\inputFiles\objectSLUpdate.xlsx" -user=jdoe -password=abc123
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