Migrating iPart Factories Created Prior to Windchill 9.0
Windchill versions prior to 9.0 did not support iPart Factories. Although iParts and their members could be checked in to Windchill, they were stored as separate CAD documents with no relationship to each other (that is, Windchill had no knowledge of what models contained iPart factories, which were its members, or what members were related to iParts).
Therefore, when modifying a model containing an iPart Factory in Autodesk Inventor that was checked in prior to upgrading to Windchill 9.0, the saved generic appears as modified, and the instances appear as new in the workspace.
After migration, if you try to check in the iPart generic and its instances in Windchill 9.0, you receive a conflict upon upload, informing you that the new instances have a naming conflict with the standalone iPart member CAD documents that are already checked in. To resolve this conflict, you must select the instances, choose the Update action in the workspace, and then select the option to reuse the locally modified content. You can then check in the objects without the naming conflict. Checking in the objects produces the following results:
Instances created as "new" in the workspace are associated to the existing standalone CAD documents.
The existing standalone CAD documents, representing the iPart members, are converted to instance CAD documents.
The existing standalone CAD documents, representing the iPart Factory, are converted to generic CAD documents.
Family object relationships are created between the iPart Factory (generic) and its related members (instances).
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