Backward Compatibility
Windchill 11.1 supports backward compatibility between two different versions or installations of Windchill. You can now collaborate between different versions of your Windchill installations which may be co-located or located at different geographical locations. This is achieved through Windchill packages.
Windchill Packages offers multiple collaboration tool. To use this feature, you are required to install Windchill PDMLink and Windchill ProjectLink. The packages can be configured and sent in different formats that allow you to:
Send and view content files without Windchill
Send and view content files between two separate Windchill Installations
To know more about sending and receiving packages, refer to Sending and Receiving Windchill Packages . You can customize the packages by assigning customization properties. To know more about customization, refer to Packages Customization.
Using the save.limit_nd_version Preference
When packages are exchanged between two versions of Windchill, this preference identifies the older version among the participants. The packages are then created according to the features supported by the older version.
This preference is modified from the Windchill Shell and requires administrator access. To use this preference at site level, open the Windchill shell and type: windchill wt.preference.SetPreferenceUtility -u wcadmin -p wcadmin -name save.limit_nd_version -value; where value can be either Novalue or Limited.
When you initiate a migration or transfer of packages between two versions of Windchill, this preference identifies the older version among the participants. The packages are then created according to the features supported by the older version.
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