Working with Migrated Issues, Variances, Change Requests, Change Notices, Notes and Problem Reports
Windchill Integrations for Embedded Software provides an integrated environment to manage migrated change objects from Windchill 9.x or 10.1x to Windchill 10.2. A change object can be an issue, variance, change request, change notice, note, or problem report.
A typical use scenario is migrating your Windchill 9.x change objects with IBM Rational ClearCase attachment content to Windchill 10.2 that includes Windchill Integrations for Embedded Software with IBM Rational ClearCase.
Change objects in Windchill 9.x can have IBM Rational ClearCase attachments.
Change objects in Windchill 10.2 cannot have IBM Rational ClearCase attachments.
Change objects in Windchill 10.2 can have related objects. A related object can be a software document.
During the conversion process any IBM Rational ClearCase attachments from the originating Windchill 9.x system are converted to a singular related software document with IBM Rational ClearCase primary source content. If there were two or more IBM Rational ClearCase attachments from the originating Windchill 9.x system, those IBM Rational ClearCase attachments appear as IBM Rational ClearCase attachments in Windchill 10.2.
Migrated Change Objects with No Attachment Content
In the conversion process,Windchill change objects with no attachment content convert to an updated change object, as in the originating Windchill 9.x system. The updated change object contains all of the information from the originating Windchill 9.x system. A Windchill change object can be a problem report, variance report, change request, change notice, or note.
Migrated Documents with Attachment Content — Not applicable for IBM Rational ClearCase Attachment Content
In the conversion process, a document with attachment content converts to an updated document in Windchill 10.2. The updated document includes all of the originating document information from the Windchill 9.x system.
Documents in Windchill 10.2 cannot have IBM Rational ClearCase attachments.
Migrated Change Objects with IBM Rational ClearCase Attachment Content
In the conversion process, change objects with IBM Rational ClearCase attachment content convert to two Windchill objects: (1) an updated change object, and (2) a related software document.
The updated change object contains all of the information from the originating Windchill 9.x system, except for the IBM Rational ClearCase attachment content.
The related software document contains all of the IBM Rational ClearCase attachment content from the originating Windchill 9.x system, except for the updated change object information.
For example, the migrated IBM Rational ClearCase attachment content in the related software document appears as a primary source content. It includes IBM Rational ClearCase attachment content if two or more IBM Rational ClearCase attachments were contained in the originating Windchill 9.x system. Randomly, one attachment is listed as the primary source content in the related software document.
The related software document that is created as part of this process also is associated to the change object as an affected object.
The Windchill change object and the software document have the same name in Windchill 10.2.
Where Do I Find My Migrated Change Objects Content?
A migrated change object can be accessed and managed from Products > Folders, Projects > Folders, or Libraries > Folders in Windchill.
Once you have located the change object in the Folders table, click the document information page to access the Details, Structure, Related Objects, Changes, History, and Where Used tabs.
Click New Tab and Customize to add or remove available tab tables.
For migrated change objects with non-IBM Rational ClearCase attachment content, click the document information page Content tab to access the content in the Attachments table, or the Changes tab to access the content in the Issues and Variances, Change Requests, Affected by Change Notices, or Resulting from Change Notices tables.
For migrated change objects with IBM Rational ClearCase attachment content, click the change object information page Related Objects tab to access the related software document in the References Documents table.
Refer to the following table for information on how to access and manage change objects and software documents.
Windchill Object
Migrated Change Object
Refer to the Windchill Help Center under Change Management for information on how to manage change notices, change requests, notes, problem reports, and variance reports.
Related Software Document
Refer to Working with Software Documents for information on how to manage software documents with IBM Rational ClearCase content.
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