Configuration Specifications Table
The Configuration Specifications table contains existing adapter associations to IBM Rational ClearCase adapters integrated with Windchill Integrations for Embedded Software.
From Actions, you can add, edit, and remove context associations to a specific IBM Rational ClearCase adapter.
The Configuration Specifications table lists the existing adapter association attributes for IBM Rational ClearCase adapters.
Field or Column
The descriptive and unique name to identify the name of the adapter association. The adapter name can have alphanumeric, dot, dash, and underscore characters only.
The following sort options are available for this column: Sort Ascending, Sort Descending, Lock, Unlock, and Columns.
The following tooltip commands are available from this table: Add Config Spec , Edit Config Spec , and Remove Config Spec .
The following sort options are available for this column: Sort Ascending, Sort Descending, Lock, Unlock, and Columns.
Edit Config Spec
In the Configuration Specifications table, click Edit Config Spec to edit associations to an IBM Rational ClearCase adapter. The Edit Configuration Specification window opens.
Created On
The date the adapter association values were created.
The following sort options are available for this column: Sort Ascending, Sort Descending, Lock, Unlock, and Columns.
Last Modified
The most recent date the adapter association values were updated or changed.
The following sort option is available for this column: Last Modified.
The type of context association. Available context association types are Product, Project, and Libraries.
The following sort option is available for this column: Sort by Context.
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