Installing Zookeeper Nodes
Before you install a Zookeeper node, you should determine the number of nodes to be installed.
The following example will install three Zookeeper nodes. Only one Zookeeper node can be installed at a time. For installing more than one Zookeeper node, you need to repeat the installation process for subsequent Zookeeper nodes.
It is important that you install and configure the Zookeeper nodes first and then proceed with installing the index search server in high availability mode.
Under the Standalone Product or Component section, select Windchill Index Search Server. The Windchill Index Search server uses the existing Java installation on the machine where the Windchill Index Search server is installed.
In the Define Settings section, specify the Base Installation Directory with the first node. For example:
Select Use this installation as zookeeper node option to install and configure Zookeeper nodes.
If you select Use this installation as zookeeper node option, then Enable Windchill Index Search High Availability option gets disabled.
Windchill Zookeeper Host Name
Specify the host name of the machine on which the Zookeeper node is installed.
Windchill Zookeeper Port Number
Specify the port number for the Zookeeper node.
Directory to store Zookeeper Data
Specify the directory which will store the Zookeeper data.
Windchill Zookeeper Unique Id
Specify a unique number identification for the Zookeeper node. For example, if you are installing the first node, the unique ID is 1. Similarly, specify 2 for node 2 and 3 for node 3.
Windchill Zookeeper Internal Communication Port Numbers
Specify the port number that other Zookeeper nodes should use to communicate internally with this node. The default value for the first node is 2888,3888. Similarly, you can enter 2889,3889 for the second node 2890,3890 for the third node.
You can also specify custom port numbers.
Windchill Index Search Zookeeper Hosts
Specify a comma-separated list of other Zookeeper nodes in the ensemble configuration.
Enter unique ID, Zookeeper host name, and internal port numbers using a comma separator, in the following format: <uniqueid_2>:<zookeeper_host_name_2>:<Zookeeper_internal_portnumber_2_1>:<Zookeeper_internal_portnumber 2_2>,<uniqueid_3>:<zookeeper_host_name_3>:<Zookeeper_internal_portnumber3_1>:<Zookeeper_internal_portnumber_3_2>
For example:,
After the Zookeeper node is installed, the myid and Zookeeper configuration files (zoo.cfg) are automatically created in the installation directory. Also, the Zookeeper node starts automatically and begins communicating with other Zookeeper nodes specified in the ensemble configuration.
You can verify the content of configuration file (zoo.cfg) in the installed directory, located at <INDEX_SEARCH_HOME>\zookeeper\conf\zoo.cfg
Where, <INDEX_SEARCH_HOME> is the installation directory in which the index search server is installed.
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