Windchill Fundamentals > Working with Windchill Objects > Visualization Overview > Creating a Representation from a Part Structure
Creating a Representation from a Part Structure
Use the following procedure to create a representation for a part not associated with a CAD document.
To navigate to the New Representation window as follows:
If you are creating a representation using the default configuration specification, create a New Tab , and from the Customize drop-down list, select General > Representations/Annotations. In the Information page of an associated part, locate the Representations/Annotations section, and select New Representation .
The New Representation window divides the creation of a representation into the following steps:
1. Define Representation Attributes
2. Choose Input Source
1. Define Representation Attributes
Enter the details using the following fields and check box:
Representation Details
Enter a name for the representation.
Enter up to 60 characters. This is a required field.
Enter a brief description of the representation.
Enter up to 4,000 characters. This field is optional.
Set as Default Representation
Enable the Set as Default Representation check box to make this representation the default.
2. Choose Input Source
Choose Part structure for the input source.
If any Representations/Viewables or Annotations and Groups exist on the clipboard, you can see an input source for Clipboard. See Creating a Representation from Clipboard Content for more information.
There is an input source for Local data. See Creating a Representation from Local File Data for more information.
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