Creating a Regulatory Decision Activity
If you are assigned to the Customer Experience Evaluator role, use the following procedure to create a regulatory decision activity:
1. Click the new product activity icon in the row for a particular product when evaluating a customer experience.
If the workflow is in the Evaluation or In Progress workflow states, you can also initiate product activities from the Customer Experience Management tab of the customer experience information page.
2. From the Type list, select the type of regulatory decision. This field is required.
Regulatory Decision Australia
Regulatory Decision Canada
Regulatory Decision eMDR
Regulatory Decision Israel
Regulatory Decision Japan
Regulatory Decision Vigilance
3. Optionally, complete the fields under the Regulatory Activity section. The customer experience evaluator can use the Activity Text field to send a note to those who are working on this activity.
4. Complete the fields under the Regulatory Decision section. The Submit field is required. Fields in this section drive the workflow of the activity.
If you select Yes in the Submit field and enter a date in the Date Of Decision field, the workflow for the regulatory activity goes to the Creation state, bypassing the Decision state.
If you select No in the Submit field and enter a date in the Date Of Decision field, the workflow for the regulatory activity goes directly to the Closed workflow state.
In all other cases, the workflow for the activity goes to the Decision state. Because the evaluator has not made the decision on reportability, a decision task goes to the regulatory report reviewer, who determines if a report is needed. If the reviewer determines that the customer experience is reportable, the activity continues to the Creation state. For more information, see Entering Decision Details.
Optionally, enter information in the Decision Code field. Click the search icon and select items from the classification tree in the Select Classification window.
5. Click Finish to move the regulatory activity to the next workflow state.
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