Workflow Proxy Process
A proxy process is an external subprocess referenced from within the parent workflow template and is represented by the Process node . Processes can be nested to reduce complexity of the overall process, as well as to provide reuse since the same subprocess may be referenced from multiple parent workflow templates.
For more information, see About Process Properties.
General Tab
On the General tab, browse for a specific workflow template to act as the proxy for the block. The reference process is required. You can also specify the category and enter a description.
Deadline Tab
On the Deadline tab, set the time that the proxy process is due. You can set the deadline in relation to the start of the process or the start of the parent process. If you define them both, the earliest deadline applies.
You can also designate the consequences and who is notified if the deadline is overdue.
To designate the consequences of a missed deadline, select one of the following checkboxes:
Mark complete
Reassign to the responsible role
To designate who will be notified and when, select any number of the following checkboxes.
To send notification to anyone (in addition to the responsible role) when the activity is overdue, select the Notify the selected roles checkbox, and then select the roles. You can select any number of roles.
To send notification to the responsible role before the activity deadline, select the top Notify the responsible role checkbox and fill in the amount of days, hours, and/or minutes before the deadline that you want notification sent.
To send notification to the responsible role after the activity deadline, select the bottom Notify the responsible role checkbox and fill in the amount of days, hours, and/or minutes after the deadline that you want notification sent.
If you do not designate the time, notification is sent to the responsible role when the deadline is reached, even if you do not select a checkbox. If you select both Notify the responsible role checkboxes and fill in times, notification is sent both before and after the deadline.
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