Search for Workflow Processes
Use the Search for Workflow Processes fields at the top of the Workflow Process Administration utility to find workflow processes and filter by health status.
1. Complete the following fields. The fields that appear depend on the context from which you launch the utility:
The Context field is automatically populated with the context from which you launch the Workflow Process Administration utility.
The Organization field is available when you launch the Workflow Process Administration utility from the Site or Organization context.
If you are working from an organization context, this field is automatically populated with the organization name and cannot be edited.
If you are working from the Site context, you can click the find icon to search for an organization.
Refine Context
Click the find icon to narrow results by product, project, library, or program.
Process Template
Click the find icon to narrow results by workflow process template.
Primary Business Object
Click the find icon to only view processes associated with a specific object.
Initiated By
Click the find icon to narrow results by which user initiated the workflow process.
Initiated From
Initiated To
Specify a date range for when the workflow process initiated.
Click the calendar icon to select a date.
To leave a calendar field blank, place your cursor in the date field and delete the date, or click the delete icon that appears.
Last Modified
Search for workflow processes based on when the last node fired or changed status.
Click the calendar icon to select a date.
To leave this field blank, place your cursor in the date field and delete the date or click the delete icon that appears.
Find Workflow Processes
Filter the results based on health status and error or warning type. For more information, see Process Health Filters.
Exclude Closed Processes
Select this option to exclude processes that have been completed or terminated under normal conditions. This option does not exclude processes that closed due to errors.
2. Click Search. Your search results appear in the Workflow Processes table.
Click Reset to repopulate the search fields with the default values.
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