Auditing Similar Part Creation
The Similar Part Create event records whether similar part was created when the Existing Similar Parts window displayed a list of existing similar parts. This event also records the decline of creating duplicate part. This event is available in Security Audit Reporting utility. Administrators can preview or generate audit report for Similar Part Create event collect information on whether duplicate part is created when similar parts already exist. For more information, see Selecting Events for Security Audit Reports and Creating a Security Audit Report
The following information are included in the report:
User name — Specifies the user name who created a similar part or declined creating similar part.
Transaction Description — Specifies whether similar part is created or not.
Event Specific Data — Specifies the information about object type created, count of existing similar parts and classification attribute information in XML format.
Administrators can preview the audit report before generating it. To enable display of detailed XML content in the event specific data in the audit preview report, configure the wt.audit.displayFindSimilarObjectAuditCriteria property in file. When set to true, the detailed XML content is displayed in the ‘Event Specific Data’ column. The default value is false.
The Similar Part Create event can be audited only when following conditions are met:
The Show similar parts when creating a new classified part preference is set to Yes. This preference is available under Part Management in Preference Management.
The Partslink index com.ptc.windchill.partslink.index.enabled property is set to true in file.
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