Windchill Fundamentals > Setting Up Your Environment > Logging On to and Logging Off from Windchill
Logging On to and Logging Off from Windchill
Logging On
You can log on to Windchill using a username and password specified by your company. Your company has established a password policy. Contact your administrator for assistance with your password.
If you plan to bookmark a link to your Windchill system, be sure that you are creating a bookmark to the full domain name for your system. For example, a full domain may be Entering simply https://example/Windchill requires you to enter your username and password twice.
Logging Off
Some Windchill systems have been modified to provide additional log-off functionality. If it has not been modified, the way to log off from a Windchill session is to close the browser window. There is no Log Off button provided.
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