Role Resolution Property Set to True
If the property, the only difference is the re-resolution of the roles when the object enters a new phase. Only the life cycle phase roles are re-resolved; that is, the phase roles are cleared of their members and then re-resolved using the team template and the context team. All other runtime team roles that are not present in the life cycle phase are only updated using the context team.
If the property is set to false, the role resolution will only happen for the first phase of the first state and not for consequent states.
1. If the life cycle role is mapped to an existing role in the team template, the role is resolved to the members in the team template.
2. If the life cycle role does not exist in the team template (that is, rule 1 does not apply), but the life cycle role is mapped to an existing team template role, then the life cycle role is added to the team and resolved to the participants as defined in the team template role.
3. If the life cycle role is not mapped to an existing role in the team template, the life cycle role participants are resolved and added to the team in the role.
Example 1: The life cycle contains Role A and is assigned to Role B. The team contains Role B with member user x. The team template does not contain Role A. Role A is added to the team with user x as the participant.
Example 2: The life cycle contains Role A and is assigned to Role B. The team contains Role B with member user x. The team template contains Role A with user y. Role A is added to the team with user y as the participant.
4. If the object’s context team contains the role, any participants who play the role in the context team that are not already members of the role in the team are added to the team.
5. All roles that are not defined in the team, but are used in a related workflow process, are added to the team when the workflow process starts.
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