Actions that can be Configured
The actions that you can configure are limited to those actions directly related to the context in which the configuration is taking place and only affect the users in the roles configured in the context. For example, restricting the visibility of the View Team page action for the members of the Guest role in a specific project does not affect the visibility of the action for members of the Guest role in another project or other context.
The actions displayed in the Configure Actions for Roles table are determined by the context you are in when you are setting the visibility. For example, the View Plan page action is only applicable for programs and projects and, therefore, is only in the table when you are configuring a program or project context team.
The actions displayed in the Configure Actions for Roles table are a subset of the actions that can be set when creating profiles. Profiles can be used to restrict the visibility of actions for specific participants (users, user-defined groups, or organizations).
Configuring actions for roles from the Members table disables the use of the profile settings for any members who have profiles and are members of any of the roles in the context. The profile settings affected are only those that relate directly to the application context.
For information on the actions available in profiles, see Profile Management.
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