Overview of the Part Request Process
The Part Request (PR) process provides a controlled sequence of steps for the creation of new parts. This process ensures that the new parts meet the sourcing requirements and have all required technical documentation.
A part request process starts when a Design Engineer requests an OEM part that has approved supplier parts. After the part request is created, Windchill launches a workflow that adds tasks to the My Tasks table, to submit, review the part request, or add the required supporting data. Once the resultant OEM part is identified and approved, it is released for use.
To track part requests, Windchill uses the part request object (). You can view information on the part request by opening its information page. In addition, you can also generate reports, My Part Requests Report and Active Part Requests Report. To do this, go to the Home page, add a new tab and show the Reports table by clicking Customize > Reports. A part request object is iterated each time it is checked out for editing. In addition, the part request can be revised to reflect a new level of changes, for example, if the part request was previously rejected.
The part request process has a life cycle, and is managed by a workflow that defines the required tasks. The following flowchart illustrates theWindchill Supplier Management out-of-the-box part request process.
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