Changing or Adding the Agreement Type
The agreement type specified for a standard security label value or custom security label can be changed to a different agreement type. If no agreement type is specified for a standard security label value or custom security label, one can be added at any time. To add an agreement type to an existing standard security label value or custom security label, complete the following steps:
1. If you have not already done so, create an agreement managers group in the site context. When the appropriate access control permissions are set, members of this group are able to create, manage, and delete agreements.
2. If you want more than one type of agreement, create subtypes of the agreement type. Remember the name of each agreement type as the name is used later in the configuration.
If you are planning to use context-based agreements, PTC recommends that you create a subtype for both context-based agreements and for standard agreements. This makes maintaining policy access control rules easier for each type as both inherit from the Agreement type by default.
3. If you have not already done so, add the AgreementConfiguration element to the top of the security labels configuration file. For each standard security label value or custom security label that will be updated to include an agreement, add the AgreementType element to the UnrestrictedPrincipal element.
For more information about these elements and the security labels configuration file, see Edit the Security Labels Configuration File.
If you have not already enabled agreements for your site and want to allow searching, auditing, or subscribing for agreements, complete the steps in the following sections of the Configuring Security Labels information:
4. Restart your method server for the changes to take effect.
For more information about agreements, see About Agreements.
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