Deleting a Report Using a Loader
Using a Windchill loader, you can delete the default and custom reports, so users access only those reports that are relevant to them.
The elements used in the load file differ when deleting reports from the Windchill database. You can refer to the sample load files DeleteOOTBWindchillReports.xml while creating your load file. The files are located at this path: $WT_HOME/loadFiles/reports.
Perform the following procedure to delete a report using a loader:
1. Create a load file using the element csvDeleteWindchillReport.
Use csvDeleteWindchillReport to delete the reports that were created using Report Builder or Windchill business reporting tool and exist in the Windchill database. Append the element with the following handler:
<csvDeleteWindchillReport handler="">
2. Add the following attributes in the load file:
csvWindchillReportName: Specify the name of the report to be deleted. It is a required attribute.
Example: <csvWindchillReportName>DemoReportObject</csvWindchillReportName>
csvContainerName: Specify the path of the container where the report is stored. If you do not provide this value, any report that matches the specified name will be deleted from the Site container. It is an optional attribute.
Example: <csvContainerName>/wt.inf.container.OrgContainer=DefaultOrg/wt.inf.library.WTLibrary=Windchill PDM</csvContainerName>
csvThirdPartyReportingSystem: Specify the reporting system such as JASPER. Use this attribute when there are two reports with the same name belonging to different reporting systems. You can keep the attribute blank for reports that were created using Report Builder.
Example: <csvThirdPartyReportingSystem>JASPER</csvThirdPartyReportingSystem>
3. Execute the load file.
Open a Windchill shell and run the following command:
windchill wt.load.LoadFromFile -u <user name> -p <password> -d <location of the load file>
For example, windchill wt.load.LoadFromFile -u wcadmin -p wcadmin -d reports/DeleteWindchillDemoReports.xml
Check the method server log for any issues encountered while deleting the reports.
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