Data Monitors Table
The Data Monitor table lists all data monitor objects created from the saved reports in the Saved Reports table. All data monitors created within a particular context are visible to all users in that context.
The columns available in the Data Monitors table give you basic information about each object in the table. Often, the columns correspond to the attributes for the specified object. For more information, see Object Attributes. By default the following columns are available. Depending on the object configuration, additional columns may appear. For more information about table columns, as well as other information about tables, see Using Tables.
The text identifier for the data monitor object.
Number of result rows required before specified recipients receive notification.
Max Firings
Maximum number of times the data monitor executes.
Report Criteria
The saved report on which this data monitor is based.
Created On
Date and time when the data monitor was created.
Start Time
Date and time when the data monitor began execution.
The frequency with which the data monitor executes.
Details about the data monitor report that is executing or about to execute. The status values correspond to the schedule queue status for the data monitor.
The following actions are available using the right-click actions menu for individual table rows in the Data Monitors table:
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