Report Builder Developer Tools
Additional developer tools are available to assist report authors while developing reports. When launching Report Builder from any other location, these tools are visible only if the Reports > Report Builder > Developer Mode preference is set to Yes in the Preference Management utility. For more information, see Preference Management.
These additional developer tools display at the bottom of the Criteria pane. The following tools are available for all reports:
View QML—Displays the latest QML (query markup language) for the report template.
View Modified QML—Displays the QML for the report after it has been modified by the selections and constraints entered by the user for the report on the Criteria pane of the Report Builder.
View SQL—Displays the SQL generated for the report based on the selections and constraints entered by the user for the report on the Criteria pane of the Report Builder. The SQL generated is for reference only, and is not executable. There can also be additional SQL not displayed that is executed for some derived objects and Java methods.
View QML and View SQL actions are also available for individual report templates from within the Query Builder. For more information, see Tools (Query Builder).
The following tools are available only for reports created in Windchill releases prior to Windchill 11.0:
Redo Upgrade—Performs the upgrade from the old QML to the current QML again in standard mode, unless one or both of the other mode checkboxes are selected: Legacy Mode or Single Date Mode. For more information, see Upgrade Modes for Query Builder Report Templates Authored Before Windchill 11.0.
Undo Upgrade and Close—Undo the upgrade to the current QML, and close Report Builder.
View Legacy QML—Displays the QML for the report as it was before the upgrade was performed.
The Query Builder Maintenance Dashboard provides a means of monitoring the upgrade status of report templates, and performing other upgrade actions on all report templates in the launching context. For more information, see Query Builder Maintenance Dashboard.
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