Security Configuration for Report Templates
As part of the process of creating new or saved report templates, it is important to review your security needs and assess them with the following security feature.
A report template in which the Bypass Access Control option is enabled, such a report template is available for use to all users. If the Bypass Access Control option is disabled for a report template, the access to the report template is subject to existing access controls such as Policy Rules and Security Labels. This section provides information about the configurations that can be set pertaining to the security of the reports.
Only site administrators can perform the configuration options described below.
Configuring Security for Report Templates
To reduce any security risk and restrict the access to report templates in which the Bypass Access Control option is enabled, configure the property wt.query.template.allowBypassAccessControlOption in the file located in <Windchill>/codebase. The default value of the property is set to true. When the property is set to false, any user, including the Site Administrators and members of wt.query.template.unrestrictedGroups will not be allowed to execute any user actions on the report templates.
For more information about wt.query.template.unrestrictedGroups, see the topic Properties (Query Builder).
Enabling wt.query.template.allowBypassAccessControl Option
Add the property wt.query.template.unrestrictedGroups = false in <windchill>/codebase/ and this will disable the Bypass Access Control option for all users.
When the property wt.query.template.allowBypassAccessControlOption property is enabled, the advance query based report templates cannot be configured.
Configuring Advanced Report Templates
It is possible to allow users to view the data using reports for which they may not have access to using an XML configuration file, on an ad hoc basis. The configuration is valid to make all the Bypass Access Control enabled reports to be run by those users who are not part of wt.query.template.unrestrictedGroups. If a user is part of the configured group, then report execution may not require the configuration.
Create the XML file using the report template details such as name, container, and organization in the following structure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ReportTemplates xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="AdvancedReportTemplates.xsd">
Each XML file can contain n number of report templates.
The file name of the XML configuration file should be set in the format: XXX_advanced.xml Where, XXX is the name of a module or functionality for which the report templates are saved in the XML file. Advanced refers to the report templates which are based on the advanced query. For more information about advanced query, refer to Access Control Consideration.
Save the XML configuration file in the template folder located at <Windchill>/codebase/registry/wt/query.
It is mandatory to restart the method server after saving the XML configuration file for the changes to be implemented.
Sample XML Configuration File
For example, XML Configuration File OOTB_ReportTemplates_advanced.xml
Report template of name SiteLevelReport is in the Site context,
Report template of name OrganizationLevelReport in the organization called Demo Organization, and
Report template of name ProductLevelReport is in the product container of name GOLF CART, and the organization of GOLF_CART is Demo Organization.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ReportTemplates xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="AdvancedReportTemplates.xsd">
<Organization>Demo Organization</Organization>
<Organization>Demo Organization</Organization>
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