Join Models
Join models provide a way to pre-package common specifications of tables and joins that can then be easily reused when creating new report templates. A join model is a report template that has the Use as a Join Model checkbox selected on its Properties tab. A join model typically contains a set of all tables and the joins between them for a related functional area.
To designate a report template as a join model, select the Use as a Join Model property on the Properties tab, and provide a meaningful Description. When Use as a Join Model is selected, the Description property is required. The Description displays on the Select a Join Model window, to assist users in easily identifying and selecting the appropriate join model to populate their report template.
When join model is used to populate a query, it populates the query with all tables and joins, and the main type. In certain cases, the criteria specified on the original join model report template is also populated. Criteria is populated only when none of the Criteria tab entries on the original join model report template reference any items specified on the Select or Constrain tab.
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