Specifying Outer Joins on Criteria
Select the Set Outer Joins checkbox to display a Select Outer Join drop-down list after each criteria condition for which an outer join can be added.
The Select Outer Join drop-down list contains the aliases of tables from the Tables and Joins tab available for setting outer joins. If a table alias is selected as an outer join for a condition, rows from the referenced table are included in the report results even if the condition is not satisfied.
If outer joins are present on the Criteria tab, the Set Outer Joins checkbox is automatically selected, and outer joins displayed, when the report template is opened and the Criteria tab initially viewed.
Outer joins can be set for criteria in the following scenarios:
Exactly one of the operands is a column.
The alias of the table from which the column was selected is available from the Select Outer Join drop-down list.
Both operands are columns from different table aliases.
The aliases of both tables are available from the Select Outer Join drop-down list. Only one alias can be selected.
If one operand is a database function where the following are true:
the function contains at least one column argument.
all arguments in the function refer to the same table alias.
The alias referenced from the database function argument is available from the Select Outer Join drop-down list.
If both operands are database functions where the following are true:
each function contains at least one column argument.
all arguments on a function refer to the same table alias.
the table aliases referenced by the two functions are different.
The aliases of both tables referenced from database functions are available from the Select Outer Join drop-down list.
If one operand is a column and one is a database function, and both operands refer to different table aliases.
The aliases of both tables are available from the Select Outer Join drop-down list. Only one alias can be selected.
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