About the Purge Jobs Page
The Purge Jobs page displays existing purge jobs. An icon appears on the left side of each row to indicate the job type.
This page includes the following columns:
The name of the job.
The status of the job (for example, in progress, completed, or failed).
The name of the query on which the job is based.
Size (KB)
The size of the purge job. The unit of measurement is set to KB by default, but can be changed to bytes or MB.
Last Modified
The date and time when the job was last modified.
From this page, you can accomplish the following tasks:
Delete a job by selecting the checkbox of the job and clicking the delete icon .
Refresh the information in the table by clicking the refresh icon .
Create a new job by clicking the new job icon .
Manage queries by clicking the manage collection queries icon .
Access the Purge Schedules page by clicking the manage purge schedules icon .
View details about a job by clicking the information icon in the row of the job you want to view.
Review job events in the Event Management utility by right-clicking the row of the job and selecting Open task event console.
Resume a pending job by right-clicking the row of the job and selecting Resume job.
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