Creating a Query
To specify object selection criteria for a purge job, you must create a query. You create queries from Purge Management.
To create a query:
1. Clicking the new query icon .
2. Type a unique name for the query in the Name field. The query name can have a maximum of 400 characters.
3. Optionally, type a description of the query in the Description field.
4. Click Next.
5. Select the contexts that you want to include in the query.
6. Optionally, select folders or domains to include. By default, all folders or domains are included when you select a context.
7. Click Next.
8. Add the appropriate selection by choosing an option from the list, clicking Add, and then specifying a value for the criteria in the Selection Criteria table. At a minimum, you must add Object Type criteria. For more information about selection criteria, see About Selection Criteria.
9. Click Finish.
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