Additional Criteria Behavior
The following behavior should be noted when selecting criteria:
All contexts that you select on the Context Criteria window are included in the query. By default, child contexts are not included. For example, if you select an organization, the products, libraries, and projects under that organization are not included.
You can narrow the query context by selecting folders or domains on the right side of the Edit Context Criteria window. By default, all folders and domains are selected.
If you do not specify a selection criteria option, the query accepts any value for that option. For example, if you do not enter a Version, all versions are included in the job.
If you select multiple selection criteria options, only objects that match all of the criteria you specify are included in the job. For example, if you select a Life Cycle State of In Work and an Iteration of All but last 3 iteration(s), the job only includes objects in the In Work state that are not one of the last three iterations.
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