Viewing Related Information in a Structure
You can show or hide related information in the structure using the options described below. When displayed, related objects appear under the parts in the structure.
Show/Hide Related Information in the right-click actions menu.
Select the object types you want to display in the part structure or select one of the following options:
Show All
Hide All
Show My Related Information — Displays the related information defined in the following preference: Structure > Related Information.
This menu option functions the same as the Show button in the toolbar.
Manage Related Information — Opens a new window from which you can select and clear multiple related information object types.
Show and Hide buttons in the Viewing action set in the toolbar.
Show button — Displays the related information defined in the following preference: Structure > Related Information.
This button functions the same as the Show My Related Information in the right-click actions menu.
The drop-down list next to the Show button — Select the object types you want to display in the part structure or select one of the following options:
Show All
Manage Related Information — Opens a new window from which you can select and clear multiple related information object types.
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