Selecting a Unit Effectivity Configuration Specification
A Unit Effectivity configuration specification filter selects part versions based upon serial or lot number effectivity assigned to a part version at the completion of a change process. For more information, see About Effectivity.
Use the following steps to define a Unit Effectivity configuration specification:
1. Click the Edit Filter icon in the Structure tab toolbar. The Edit Filter window is displayed.
2. Select the Configuration Specification tab.
3. Select Unit Effectivity from the Choose a Type drop-down list. The filter criteria are displayed.
4. Enter values in the following criteria fields:
The selected part version must satisfy all specified filter criteria.
Filter Criteria
Select a part structure view such as “Design” from the drop-down list. The selected part version must be in the selected view or a parent view in the view hierarchy. The structure views available at your site are defined by your Windchill system administrator.
BOM Type
Select a BOM Type from the drop-down list. Standard choices include:
The selected part version must be of the selected BOM Type or its parent BOM Type.
BOM Type only appears when Windchill MPMLink is installed.
Alternate BOM
Select an Alternate BOM number from the drop-down list. The selected part version must be in one of the alternate BOMs.
Alternate BOM only appears when Windchill MPMLink is installed.
Effectivity Context
Unit effectivity requires that a part be selected as the context for the lot or serial number. Enter the name or number of the traceable part to be used as the unit effectivity context or click the advanced search icon to search for a context part. Only parts with a Default Trace Code of Lot, Serial Number, or Lot/Serial Number will be returned from the search. For a definition of the Trace Code attribute, seePart Attributes.
Effectivity Type
Select an effectivity type from the pull-down menu. The standard choices include Serial Number and MSN (Manufacturing Serial Number).
You may assign an effectivity of each type for the same Effectivity Context.
Effectivity Unit
Enter the unit number to use in filtering the part structure. For example enter “10” to see the part structure filtered to show part versions used on Serial Number or MSN “10.”
5. Click Add to include the new configuration specification filter in the To Be Applied table in the right pane. Position the new configuration specification filter in the desired order using the up and down arrows to the right of the table.
6. Click OK to dismiss the Edit Filter window and filter the part structure.
The part structure is refreshed to display part versions satisfying the added configuration specification filter criteria. Where possible the expansion state of the part structure will be preserved.
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