Export to Microsoft Project
You can export a Windchill plan to Microsoft Project. If you are planning to edit the plan and want to make your changes available in Windchill, see Edit in Microsoft Project.
To export the plan, navigate to the Schedule table and select Actions > Export Plan.
If you have the PTC plugin for Microsoft Project installed, the plan automatically opens in Microsoft Project.
If you do not have the PTC plugin installed, you are prompted to save the plan with a .pppx or .ppp file extension. Instead, you must save the plan with an .xml extension. You can then open the XML file in Microsoft Project without needing the plugin.
If the plan contains subplans, then Name, description, Estimated start date, Estimated finish date, Deadline and Predecessor constraints, are included in the Export. Add “PTC. ACTION” column manually from custom fields to see the reference of subplan
If the exported plan contains summary activities with overrides, the overrides are lost during the export process. Consequently, if the plan is imported back to Windchill, the overrides will also be lost in the project or program.
If your plan or plan objects include custom string attributes that have multi-line text, these attributes are not supported when exporting the plan to Microsoft Project.
You can export a maximum of 18 attributes to a Microsoft Project. Tomanage the attributes for export, delete the unused attributes or configure the required attributes in your Windchill system.
An administrator can configure attributes using the property <internal name of the type including domain>_exportSoftAttributes in the wt.properties. Here:
Type refers to an activity, plan, or their subtypes. Multiple values can be specified using comma separator for the values for that property.
The org.rnd.Activity1 is an example refers to the complete internal name of the type including domain.
For example, there are 20 attributes in Activity1, A1 through A20. The existing export file contains attributes A1 through A18. To add other attributes to the export file, the property is configured as follows:
Scenario1: Adds A19 and A20
The exported file contains attributes A19 and A20.
Scenario2: Adds A1, A10, A19 and A20
The exported file contains attributes A1, A10, A19 and A20.
Scenario3: Adds attributes A19 and A20 in addition to the existing attributes
The export fails since there are more than 18 attributes.
When you import the plan with modified attributes in the replace mode, the existing values of attributes are replaced by those in the imported file. The values of old attributes are overwritten in the system. The values of attributes that are not included in the imported file are set to blank.
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