Received Delivery Management Table
The Received Delivery Management table displays all received delivery objects to which you are authorized within the current context. The table is available from the Received Delivery Management utility, which can be found on the Products or Libraries Utilities page. Use this table to access and manage your received deliveries.
Tables can be configured in different ways. For more information about working with tables, see Using Tables.
Changing the Table View
By default, the following views are available for the Received Delivery Management table. By creating a new view, you can change the columns that appear in the table. For more information, see Customizing Table Views.
Preparation Unsuccessful
Received deliveries within the current context with a status of Preparation Unsuccessful. To move the received deliveries out of this state, use the Prepare Uploaded Files action.
All received deliveries within the current context.
Not Ready
Received deliveries within the current context that are not ready to be imported.
Received deliveries within the current context that are ready to be imported.
Unsuccessful: Import Failure
Received deliveries within the current context for which import was attempted, but was unsuccessful.
Unsuccessful: Partial Import
Received deliveries within the current context for which import was attempted and some objects were successfully imported.
Received deliveries within the current context that have been completely imported.
The columns available in the Received Delivery Management table give you basic information about each object in the table. The columns correspond to the attributes of a received delivery. For more information about table columns, as well as other information about tables, see Using Tables.
Actions are available at the top of the Received Delivery Management table. Certain actions may also be available using the right-click actions menu for individual table rows. Some actions are unique to the Received Delivery Management table, but some are common to many Windchill objects. For more information about common actions available in Windchill, see Common Actions.
Upload package delivery ZIP files to a received delivery. A new received delivery is created if one is not already available for the received package data.
Prepare Uploaded Files
Restarts the initial import preparation on the uploaded ZIP file.
This action is required if the received delivery has an import status of Preparation Unsuccessful.
Preview and address any mapping conflicts between the source delivery contents and the current Windchill system prior to importing the ZIP file contents.
This action is only available after all expected received delivery files are uploaded and the received delivery has an import status of Ready.
Import objects from the package delivery ZIP file contents to your Windchill system.
This action is only available after all expected received delivery files are uploaded and the received delivery has an import status of Ready.
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