Life Cycle and Workflow Templates for Packages
There are several out of the box life cycle and workflow templates available for package routing. All life cycle templates for packages, technical data packages, CDRL packages, and SDRL packages have the same states. Replication packages do not use a special life cycle template since they are not able to be routed.
The following sections detail the life cycle or workflow templates, provide a brief description, and list the permissions granted through each. For more information about each template, view the template from the Life Cycle Template Administration or Workflow Template Administration utilities.
Package life cycle templates include:
Package Approval Routing
Package Content Routing
Package Delivery Routing
Technical Data Package Approval Routing
Technical Data Package Content Routing
Technical Data Package Delivery Routing
Package workflow templates include:
Package Approval Process
Package Content Routing Process
Package Delivery Process
Package, Technical Data Package, CDRL Package, or SDRL Package Content Routing
The Package Content Routing and Technical Data Package Content Routing advanced life cycle templates are intended to support the process of evolving the set of objects included in the package. Users receiving these tasks are granted sufficient authorization to add attachments, edit the package, and modify package content using the Add to Package action, as listed in the table below. As the user is not granted authorization to other business objects, the user is only able to add objects to which they are already authorized.
Use this template to add or modify both initially selected objects and objects collected based on the options selected. A package automatically uses one of these life cycle templates if Package Content Routing or Technical Data Package Approval Routing is selected after launching the Route action for the package.
Object Type
Package or Technical Data Package
In Work
Read, Download, Modify, Modify Content
Package Contributor
The Package Content Routing and Technical Data Package Content Routing life cycle templates are associated with the Package Content Routing Process workflow, which controls the state changes based on user actions when completing routing tasks. After the routing tasks are complete, the workflow advances the life cycle to the next state, which removes the permissions for the role.
Package, Technical Data Package, CDRL Package, or SDRL Package Approval Routing
The Package Approval Routing and Technical Data Package Approval Routing advanced life cycle templates are intended to be similar to the Approval Routing template available in Windchill ProjectLink. The templates are used to support a review and approval of a locked package prior to external distribution. Users receiving these tasks are granted sufficient authorization to review the package, as listed in the table below. As the user is not granted authorization to other business objects, the user is only able to view package content objects to which they are already authorized.
Use these templates to track the approval of a package prior to package delivery. A package automatically uses one of these life cycle templates if Package Approval Routing or Technical Data Package Approval Routing is selected after launching the Route action for the package.
Object Type
Package or Technical Data Package
Under Review
Read, Download
Package Approver
Package or Technical Data Package
Under Review
Read, Download
Package Reviewer
The Package Approval Routing and Technical Data Package Approval Routing life cycle templates are associated with the Package Approval Process workflow, which controls the state changes based on user actions when completing routing tasks. After the routing tasks are complete, the workflow advances the life cycle to the next state, which removes the permissions for the role.
Package, Technical Data Package, CDRL Package, or SDRL Package Delivery Routing
The Package Delivery Routing and Technical Data Package Delivery Routing advanced life cycle templates are intended for tracking the sending and receiving of locked packages. The templates do not manage the recipient's activities on the delivery. Users receiving these tasks are granted sufficient authorization to work with the package itself, but must be granted the authorization to view or work with the deliveries separately based on the relationship with the package recipient. Often users in the Package Creator role will receive these tasks to assist in activity management.
Use this template to track receipt of internally or externally delivered packages. A package automatically uses one of these life cycle templates if Package Delivery Routing or Technical Data Package Delivery Routing is selected after launching the Route action for the package.
Object Type
Package or Technical Data Package
Read, Download, Modify, Modify Content
Package Manager
Package or Technical Data Package
Read, Download
Package Manager
These permissions are only granted on the package object type, not on the delivery object. To ensure that all tasks can be completed as assigned, permissions should be set on the delivery object type as well.
The Package Delivery Routing and Technical Data Package Delivery Routing life cycle templates are associated with the Package Delivery Process workflow, which controls the state changes based on user actions when completing routing tasks. After the routing tasks are complete, the workflow advances the life cycle to the next state, which removes the permissions for the role.
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