Information Tab of the Edit Parameter Window
Define the basic information for the parameter, using the following fields:
Specifies the name of the parameter. This is a required value. The parameter name must be unique within the configurable module.
The following restrictions apply to the parameter name:
The first character is valid in regards to java.lang.Character.isJavaStart( ).
The rest of the characters are valid in regards to java.lang.Character.isJavaIdentifierPart( ).
The name cannot be a Java keyword. For example, public cannot be used as a parameter name.
The name cannot contain spaces.
(Optional) Provides a description of the parameter.
Map to Attribute
Represents the attribute to which this parameter is mapped. If the parameter is not mapped to an attribute, this field is blank.
If the parameter type is defined as Real Number with Units, displays a list of possible unit values.
Identifies the parameter type. This option is only available if the parameter is not mapped to an attribute. You can select a type or enter a class. The following types are selectable:
Date & Time
Real Number
Real Number with Units — Cannot be used for calculations; however, it can be used for input parameters that are mapped to site-defined attributes.
Integer Number
You can also enter names of custom classes that implement methods to convert an instance of the class to a String object and vice versa. The two most common ways to construct the object from a String include providing a constructor or the valueOf() method, both taking a String argument and creating an instance of the class from the String. To convert the object to a String, you can implement the toString() method. Examples of the OOTB implementations of such classes include com.ptc.ddl.util.AngularDimension and com.ptc.ddl.util.RatioObject. All Java wrappers such as java.lang.Short or java.lang.Byte are also supported.
Input Enabled
Indicates whether input is enabled when configuring the part. Possible values include:
Yes, Required—Users must provide input.
Yes, Not Required—Users are asked to provide input but are not required to.
No—Users are not asked to provide input.
Specifies the phrase that will be displayed for this parameter to help the user understand what the parameter represents. For example, a parameter that represents a set of colors might have a prompt value of "Select the desired color".
Specified By
Indicates if the parameter is specified by a value or an expression. Possible values include:
Default Expression
If the Specified By option is set, you can enter a specific value or an expression.
If Specified By is set to Value, validation is based on the parameter types.
If Specified By is set to Expression, the expression is validated to ensure the syntax is correct. The Constraint Expression Editor opens in a separate window.
For more information on the use of logic in the expression, see Using Numeric Operators and Functions in Advanced Logic.
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