Registering an App in Azure
You have access to Azure Portal Services to register a Microsoft application in your organizsation’s Azure Active Directory.
You have Office 365 subscription.
To support Office Online integration, Windchill accesses OneDrive via Microsoft Graph APIs for temporary storage. To call OneDrive API via Microsoft Graph, Windchill needs an access token that authorizes it with a set of permissions on behalf of the user. OneDrive API uses the standard OAuth 2.0 framework to authorize apps and generate access tokens. To use OneDrive from Microsoft Graph, a Windchill site administrator needs to register a new application in Azure Portal.
Registering a new application using Azure Portal
As a site administrator, complete the following procedure to register a new application in Azure Portal:
1. Sign in to Microsoft Azure Portal with your work account.
2. Select your account in the top right corner and set your portal session to your desired Azure Active Directory tenant or tenants.
A tenant represents an organization in Azure Active Directory.
3. In the Azure Portal dashboard, search for Azure Active Directory.
4. On Azure Active Directory page, click Manage > App registrations > New registration.
5. On the Register an application page, complete the application registration information as follows:
Name: Type a meaningful application name to display to Windchill users. For example, Windchill.
Supported account types: Select the default option Accounts in this organizational directory only.
Redirect URI: Select the app type Web and enter Windchill URL as shown below:https://<Windchill_URL>/servlet/OfficeOnlineActionServlet
6. Click Register.
7. After the application is registered, follow these steps to request the permissions in the app registration portal:
a. On the left pane of the registered application, click Certificates & secrets and add a New client secret to generate a new token value.
b. Copy and save the new secret value (token) for later use.
c. Click API permissions > Add a permission > Microsoft Graph > Delegated permissions.
Select Files: Files.ReadWrite.All
User: User.Read
d. Save the permissions.
8. From application overview page,
a. Copy the Application (client) ID.
b. Select endpoints and copy URLs for these fields:
OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint (v2)
OAuth 2.0 token endpoint (v2)
This completes the app registration in the Azure portal.
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