Task Form Templates Table Information
Select Task Form Templates from the view drop-down list and the Templates table refreshes, displaying all task form templates that are available from the current context.
The columns in the table provide the pertinent information about the task form templates, including:
The task type and primary business object class that are associated with the template.
Whether the template can be used to render HTML tasks (as indicated by the Native and JSP types) or PDF tasks (as indicated by the XDP type).
To create templates that render PDF tasks, you must use the Adobe Designer to create the template content file for the task form template.
Whether the template is enabled or disabled.
Whether the template is visible in the current context.
You can use the show icon and hide icon to determine the visibility of the templates in the current context.
Use the new task form template icon to create a new task form template. For more information about creating this type of template, see Creating a Task Form Template.
The following actions are available from the right-click actions menu for each template:
Download the template file associated with the task form template.
Make the template unavailable for use.
This action is only available if the template is enabled.
Make the template available for use.
This action is only available if the template is disabled.
Delete the template. You are prompted to confirm that you want to delete the template.
Check Out
Marks the template as checked-out. This means that others cannot check out or update the template.
Using this action does not download the template file. Use the Download action to download this file.
This action is only available if the template is currently checked in.
Check Out and Edit
Checks out the template and opens the Edit Task Form Template window. From here, you can edit task form template attributes.
If the template is a JSP or XDP template type, you can upload a new template file.
Check In
Save changes made to a template file and releases your control of the template so that others can check it out.
If you enable the template as part of the check in, then the earlier version is disabled (if it was enabled).
Undo Checkout
Releases your control over the template without saving any changes you made.
This action is only available if the template is currently checked out.
Open the Edit Task Form Template window. From here, you can edit task form template attributes.
If the template is a JSP or XDP template type, you can upload a new template file.
Make the template visible to users in the current context.
This action is only available if the template is hidden.
Hide the template from use in the current context.
This action is only available if the template is visible.
Import a task form template. For more information, see Importing.
Export the task form template. For more information, see Exporting.
Delete Latest Iteration
Delete the most recent version of the task form template.
View Information
Navigate to the task template information page.
Administrators can customize this page using the Task Form Template type in the Type and Attribute Management utility.
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